Friendship Proposal

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You'd scarcely heard from Harry. Weeks had passed, if not months, and it was coming up to winter. There were no changes at Hogwarts, as no changes in the outside world. The suspicion remained; doubts were everywhere, and no one knew who to trust. In fact, many students at Hogwarts were presently missing due to the dangers that followed. 

Draco was still as loving as ever, however upon recent days, he began to grow distant, but not out of malice but out of pure business. He believed that school was the key thing to focus on presently, since he couldn't actually actively help oppose Voldemort in any way. When you needed comforting, he was always at your side in a flash - you were not given a single reason to ever doubt his love or loyalty to you. 

Snape, too, was an active man. He held Hogwarts like a decent but strict headmaster, but you soon found yourself in more detentions and given extra work. This was only because Snape wished to take your mind off the wizarding troubles, but also because he wanted you to get good grades. As a headmaster, now, he could do with you what he wanted. He thus chose to pile you with work. Truth be told, it wasn't too difficult, but it was by no means pleasing either. 

Ginny and Blaise remained on hold. The two refused to speak to each other or look at each other, and whenever they did, the entire room folded in negative energy. Pain encompassed the both of them, and everyone around them was aware of it, for it was not hard to tell. A mere look at their relationship and dynamic would have sold all their secrets. Draco attempted to offer Blaise advice, as you attempted to offer Ginny advice, but neither listened. It was a series of advice back and forth, listened to but not acted upon. 

It was some odd weeks before Christmas, however, that you received a letter from Harry. You grabbed onto it with the most excitement, pulling it to yourself and ripping it open.

Hey, stupid fuck,

Hermione and I visited the gravestones of our parents yesterday. It was quite hectic, if I'm honest. Nagini - Voldemort's snake - was there. I write to you mainly to inform you of the recent occurrences but also to fucking warn you, [F/n]. That snake ... you ought to beware. I know you're the type to go out of your way and kill anyone, so when you do that, make sure you beware of that snake. There's something terribly odd about it.

As for Hermione and Ron, they've been arguing more and more recently. It's the necklace, I think. I don't know what to think these days, if I'm honest. Hopefully, though, we'll be able to return soon. 

I hope you're doing fine. I can't wait to see you again. Makes me feel sick to say this, but I dare say I miss you. You're quite the positive little shit when all else is dark, and I feel like I need your humour right now. It's been terribly difficult, and it feels like we're barely closer, if at all. I don't know what to do. We've just been camping in the middle of nowhere and practically made no progress. 

I have to say this: please don't do anything ridiculous. To be fair, I'll be surprised if you already haven't. Knowing you, you've already been at the Malfoy Manor or some shit. Also, Ginny hasn't been responding to Ron's letters - is everything alright with her?

Write back to me ASAP. Write a funny joke or some hopeful quote, please. I need it. And not in another fucking language. In English, you idiot. Knowing you, you'd send something in Greek or, goodness knows, Korean even! 

Well, stay safe, dear sister. I hope you're fine, and I think of you often. I dare say, I love you. 

Your dearest,

Harold (or so they say) Potter

Tightly folded in your pocket, you smiled to yourself as you headed back into the castle, feeling the wintry air breeze away from you. Harry was alive, your dearest friends were alive, and thus all was well. All hope remained. 

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