Civil Friends

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Returning from the Quidditch field, still in your protective gear, holding your broom in one hand, you proceeded to laugh along with Draco. He, too, wore his Slytherin Quidditch outfit, just like you, as the two of you laughed light-heartedly with messy hair, flowing down both your foreheads messily. 

"Yeah, I heard they hooked up. Whether it's true though, I'm not sure." Draco proceeded to tell you with laughter, until he was stopped short when none other than his friends stepped before the two of you, stopping you short in your trails. "Boys."

"Malfoy," Flint nodded his head at him, "Potter," he proceeded, turning to you.

"Flint," you added with a nod, though confusion ringing in your voice as you eyed Flint up, then Draco, then Goyle (who stood behind Flint), alongside Crabbe. To your surprise, behind those even stood Cassius, and then Graham Montague. Cassius was your friend either way, but Graham! What could the Slytherin Quidditch team and Draco's friends want from you? "How can ... we help you?"

"Well," Flint cleared his throat, staring into your eyes, "you see, we've decided that ... Malfoy has become friends with your friends, so it's only reasonable that we at least try to be civil with you. We thought the two of you wouldn't last very long ... but clearly we've been mistaken. So ... we'd like to get to know you, Potter."

You stared at them. Bewildered was an understatement of your current situation; your mouth hung wide open as you gaped at all of them with a pale expression, scarcely comprehending Flint's words. Goyle seemed the least pleased out of them all, as Cassius seemed the most pleased. You thus turned to Draco, only to catch him looking at you with a faint smile - he wasn't all that surprised - in fact, it appeared as though he knew. 

"Uh," you cleared your throat awkwardly, turning back to the boys awaiting a response, "I mean ... sure?"

"Very well," Flint smiled faintly, a crooked smile of discomfort - he, too, was struggling with this; there was no doubt about that. "Then ... what shall we do?"

You pursed your lips, sighing, as you realised that you were going to have to take control of the situation. Despite the fact that these boys arranged this, none of them held the confidence against you to match your energy. All along, Draco was the only one who was ever capable of holding the confidence in arguing back with you, or fighting you, or insulting you, or eventually fucking you, then confessing his love for you. Only Draco - truly - held the capacity to deal with you, to match you, and held the strength within his heart and soul to love and care for you. As for others, you had to manage them; no ones brain could manage the existence of a [F/n] Potter and her manic greatness. 

"Draco and I will go and get changed," you said, taking control of the conversation, "then we can go to Hogsmeade?" 

"Sounds good," Flint nodded, smiling when he realised that he wouldn't have to think of something, "you guys alright with that?"


"If we have to."

"Sounds good to me."


"Very well," you smiled, "let's go, then," you said, pulling Draco along past the boys towards the Slytherin common room where you would proceed to change. 

The discussion towards the Slytherin common room was simple. You were in awe at his friends' behaviour, suggesting their maturity. Draco, too, seemed very pleased; not only with his friends, but particularly with himself. He informed you that it was originally Flint's idea, and that it had been suggested earlier. Only when you'd finished changing into normal clothes, you headed back out towards the main Hogwarts door, where the boys were already waiting for you and Draco. Flint, surprisingly, proved to be enjoying this; he wore a large smile upon his face which implied generosity and sincerity - it appeared as though he, truly, wished to be friends with you. Goyle, on the other hand, proved the least pleased, scowling every two seconds and being nudged by one of the other friends. 

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