Serva Me, Servabo Te

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Dumbledore's body descended the tower.

Everyone was left to stare in horror, watching his long beard and hair trail after him. He fell in a slow manner; it gave everyone enough time to see the horrors that had just happened. Yet, comprehension of the scene was impossible. Your eyes had become glassy, watching the backs of everyone's heads as you remained in the dark at the back.

The room had gotten ever so cold. Or was it your body? An icy atmosphere followed, encircling everyone's physiques. Some trembling, some smirking, yet everyone was as surprised as each other. The only good thing out of this entire scene was your previous inability to jump out into the scene, thereby keeping you hidden by the stairs as you stared at the scene in horror, resisting any cries or breaths.

But it was anger. No - disappointment. No - it was fury. It was all of it. You could scarcely locate your own emotions and feelings as they turned in your mind, developing a horrendous inability to distinguish anyone as trustworthy or not. You could see the back of Snape's head, and the back of Draco's head, but that's all they were to you - heads. They were heads of individuals who'd worked with the man who killed your parents. Who was making your life dreadful and taking away your ability to be a teenager.

Yes, they may love you. You did not doubt that. But they had disappointed you in actively conforming to his wishes. My loyalty lies with you my ass, you thought, repressing sobs, your loyalty lies with no one.

And, as Bellatrix began to cackle horrendously, she took her way with the rest of the Death Eaters as, with their ability to now roam Hogwarts, they descended the other set of stairs to enter the castle. You were thereby left with the picture of Dumbledore falling, Harry under the cracks, and Snape and Draco still momentarily staring ahead of themselves, scarcely comprehending their own positions. But moreover ... how did the Death Eaters enter the castle in the first place? They had gotten here before Dumbledore had died ... thus ... how?

"I must go," was all Snape could whisper out to Draco, before also turning away and, facing the darkness by the stairs in which you stood, feeling your entire presence. He did not catch your eyes, but softly looked at the darkness, feeling your eyes on him, before he turned away in agony and headed to the other set of stairs where he knew he would not have to face you and the disappointment that rung in your eyes.

It was time to go.

You thus looked at Draco from within the darkness, seeing the back of his head as he stared ahead of himself. For the shortest of seconds, you stepped forward from within the darkness, wishing to call out to him and grab his attention - inform him that you were there. Perhaps tell him that you loved him. But you did none of that. Instead, you hid back in the darkness and, closing your mouth, your felt your heart wring cruelly. One last final look to him before gritting your teeth and turning away.

When you had turned away and left the stairs, only then did Draco turn around and stare into the darkness in which you had once been. Somehow, he could still feel your presence lingering, but he could not be sure. Had you really been there? If so, he felt his heart tear all its strings at the thought of you having witnessed that.

Harry was now by your side, holding his wand tightly, as the two of you descended the Astronomy Tower and began to make your way towards the more public places of Hogwarts, where you knew the Death Eaters would be headed.

"I'm sorry, [F/n]," Harry said solemnly as you walked on.


"I know it must - "

"Don't, Harry. I don't want to hear your pity."

"[F/n] - " Draco's voice called out from behind, causing you and Harry to stop dead in your tracks in the hallway. You gulped heavily at the hearing of your name from his mouth, shutting your eyes tightly and feeling your breath fluctuate again. "Please," he whispered out once more, seeing your resisting to turn around and face him.

Everlasting 2 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now