Dark Matter

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"Miss Potter, where are your thoughts?" Sinistra interrupted your thoughts. The entire class turned to look at you. Some people found it rather amusing every time your name was singled out. 

"Sorry," you said, allowing your attention to be drawn to the telescope again, in which Sinistra continued to present her teachings. 

On your side, Hermione pulled a face at you, as though to ask what was wrong, but you shrugged it off, informing her that all was fine. 

"Where did I lose you, Miss Potter?" She asked. 

"Uh ... the gravitational lensing ... and ... cosmic microwave background." 

"Merlin, you've been away for a while." She sighed. "Stay behind, please. We will go over what you've missed. I would let you off on a good day, but your exams are approaching. You did not choose this subject to daydream in it."

You remained silent, pursing your lips. She continued on with the lesson, and you did, indeed, struggle to follow on, due to the use of new terms which you'd missed the explanation of. You decided that, since you did not even understand most of it due to a lack of understanding, there was no use in you listening at all. And so, you dosed off - nowhere in particular - it was a tiredness type of dosing off, whereby the hours were late, and the stars were all shining, the moon was singing into your ear, and, had you not been standing up, you would have probably drifted off a long time ago. 

"Miss Potter," she snapped, noticing your lack of presence mentally. "Can you at least tell me what a primordial black hole is?"

Your chest loosened a little, knowing you had an answer to provide. "It's a theoretical ... or hypothetical - whatever you want to call it - black hole that has been suggested to have formed after the Big Bang." 

"Stop dosing off."

"But I don't understand half of what you're explaining, Ms, if I'm completely honest. I'll just re-do all this after lesson." 

"I am not going to teach you this lesson again." 

"I'll just read it from the textbook," you shrugged, wiping your eyes.

"Are you tired, Miss Potter?"

"I actually am, yeah." 

"If you're refusing to listen, I am not going to keep you in this lesson. You're free to leave. Just don't expect a pass."

"Not exactly giving me a choice, then," you muttered quietly, groaning as you stayed put. 

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing. I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, I hope you didn't." She paused, watching you for a few seconds, making sure you were staying put. And then she continued explaining. "Imagine you're looking at a distant galaxy behind a massive galaxy cluster. The light from the distant galaxy gets distorted as it passes through the gravitational field of the cluster. By carefully studying this distortion, we can create a map of the cluster's mass distribution. Surprisingly, the mass calculated through gravitational lensing is often greater than what we can account for using visible matter alone."

You had dosed off again, and did not hear much of what she said from there onwards. You were snapped out of thought when Pansy spoke up, for she was answering a question. 

"...advancements in accelerator technologies could lead to the creation of dark matter particles under controlled conditions. If successful, these experiments could provide direct evidence - "

"Oh my God," you groaned, cutting Pansy off, "why the fuck do you talk so annoyingly?"

"Miss Potter!" Sinistra snapped. "That's it. Out of the classroom. I am going to speak to Professor Snape about your behaviour. That'll definitely be points taken off Slytherin."

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