Ilvermony Game

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Your hands eased themselves into the gloves, which you tightened upon your wrist. You double checked your wand was inside your cloak - no sabotaging this time. And when all this was done, you placed the final part of the gear on: the cloak itself. The Hogwarts symbol, and the Slytherin symbol. You were a representative of both. You held both upon yourself proudly.

You fixed yourself up in the mirror, checking yourself out from the front and from the back. And finally, you put your hair up. 

When you were with all the Hogwarts players, Graham, as the coach, helped warm everyone up. The crowd was already in place, and chatter was loud; you could hear them behind the curtain. The speakers weren't announcing anything yet, not for another ten minutes, when the usual process of the rules being called out would occur, and then naming all the players of the two schools. 

You were going to destroy Ilvermony. You could already feel the victory within your chest.

You stretched at Graham's command with everyone else, including mostly dynamic stretches. 

When you had awoken earlier today, your mood was uplifted and you felt ready. It was a nice relief, really, for every morning for the past few weeks had felt like dread, having to drag yourself out of bed and get through the day. But speaking to Ursula really raised your mood yesterday; a part of yourself felt validated, less insane, more in control of your own thoughts. 

Everything has worked out so far, because I've wished it so. The power is in my hands to make my day worthwhile, something to look back on fondly.

And you could not help but smile, mid-stretching. 

"In a good mood, Potter?" Graham asked. "Keep that energy up. You smashed it last time, you can do it again."

"Thanks, Graham," you said appreciatively. He had matured since Hogwarts, and it was evident in his approach to you. "You think we can win this?"

"I know we can win this," he smiled back. "Don't fall off your broom, or let someone set it on fire." 

"I'm one woman, Graham."

He laughed softly, and then turned back to the rest of the players, instructing them on how to stretch. 

"You got this, Potter," one of the players said, patting your back. She looked confident when she looked at you. A kind of security within her eyes, knowing you were on her team. 


There was an easy atmosphere flowing around. Something you felt grateful for. You decided to take this moment to appreciate everyone and everything - this was a fantastic opportunity for yourself, and you savoured the moment; the sounds of cheering and laughter outside, and the smiles and excitement upon the Hogwarts players, and Graham's proud smile. 

"Think you can do it in under ten minutes ... [F/n]?" Graham asked. He spoke softly, hesitating before uttering your name, rather than your last name. 

"I think ... I don't know."

"What's with the lack of confidence? Not usual." He nudged you playfully, keeping the soft atmosphere. 

You, too, smiled gently. "Not setting expectations on myself, you get me? Trying to stay realistic. But I will definitely try. I believe I can do it." 

"Well done. You definitely can. Smash it out there."

The rules were being announced loudly. Then, the players.

After every player named, a specific group of people would always cheer. Some names received louder cheers, claps, and whistles. You and your team of players would peek outside the curtains, looking at the audience, trying to find important people. You tried finding your best friends, others tried finding their families, their teachers, and many others. And when your name came down, far down on the list, for P is a late letter, your heart fluttered at the sound of all the claps, the cheers, the screaming, people standing up off their seats and clapping above their heads. For a moment there, the world slowed in your eyes. Everything looked greater than ever; there was beauty and gratitude within yourself, seeing the people rooting for you. They held hope for you in their hearts. They believed ... they knew ... [F/n] Potter can do this! She can win. She can bring glory. 

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