Legal Criminal

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You were taken out by two wizards who appeared to be the security guards of the place. Where they took you was interesting, for you did not recognise the direction, but, upon reaching the place, you were interested to see Rufus sitting behind a large, formal desk. The desk held a quill, paper, and some other magical factors which you scarcely cared for. 

He'd made his way to this office pretty fast, considering just before he had been sitting at the court bench. However, when you were thrown into his office by the guards, they proceeded to exit as they closed the door behind themselves, leaving you alone in the room with Rufus, assuming this to be his office. 

He slowly looked up at you, his eyes dim but intrigued, when he finally gestured for you to sit at the desk, on the free chair, which, upon his gesture, drifted backwards magically to give you room to sit at it. Sceptically, you cleared your throat and headed for the chair, taking a seat at it, when he gestured his hand again, and the chair drifted again closer to the desk with you in it. You furrowed your brows slightly at this, however you kept your mouth sealed with an extreme interest of what the man was going to propose to you.

"Am I wrong in believing that you lied before the court?" He finally asked with a stern voice, looking down at you across his desk with eyes of gleam. 

"I would never," you replied lowly in a light whisper, your voice almost like a snake's. 

"It was a compelling lie, I must admit." He sighed, dropping the act of seriousness as he leaned forward on his desk, clasping his hands together. "[F/n] Potter, I ask of the truth for a very good reason."

"A very good reason for you, or for me?"

He smiled lightly, entertained by your difficulty.

"Alright, how about we make a deal?"

"A deal?"

"If you tell me the truth, I will grant you the Sword of Slytherin."

"That sword should be mine already."

"But it is not. It can be, however."

"I don't need your cooperation to retrieve what is lawfully mine." 

He sat back in his seat again, an interested smile playing upon his lips as he kept one of his arms outstretched onto his desk, still tapping it, as he scrutinised your face and attempted to battle through your expressive riddles. It was a difficult task; to understand [F/n] Potter, that is. 

"Azkaban is no place for you," he finally said, "I know that you did use the curse. I can only imagine how many others you've used. I don't need proof, I don't care for proof."

"Then why am I here?"

"From what I've seen, you're an incredibly talented witch. Yes ... not only is it the magic, but it's the determination."


"I believe that the only way we can defeat him is if you're out and free." He cleared his throat. "Whilst we have an amazing team of wizards and witches ... who could defeat him," he pursed his lips, "I believe that having you against him will increase our chances of success."

"Hm," you sat back in your seat, "keep talking."

"Well - "

"And include compliments." 

He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "I think there are many positives to you, Miss Potter, as a person. Irrationality and disobedience aren't ones, however."

"But that is all I am."

"Well," he cleared his throat again, turning away, "incredible magical skills, even without your wand ... which is always a plus. Aside from that, you've incredible intelligence."

"I know."

"You think fast. These are skills which we need, not only against him, but also in the Ministry."

"Are you offering me a job?"

"When all is blown over ... then - "

"I refuse." 


"For now, at least. When all is blown over - I don't want to make plans for the future, as I don't know what to expect. For the present moment, I refuse. Whether future me decides to agree is up to her, so don't ask me questions relevant to her. For all I know, I may die, and I will die knowing that I haven't fulfilled everything I wished to do in the future. It'll only make my death dreadful. So I refuse. Present me refuses." 

He smiled lightly, relaxing in his seat, as he nodded. "I understand," he said. "I don't quite know if this accounts for corruption, but I will ensure your freedom."

"So ... no matter what I do ... I won't go to Azkaban?"

This question irked him - it was evident. His lip twitched lightly as he sighed and turned away. He knew that, however, you were [F/n] Potter, and if you did not get your way, you would disagree. He believed that the wizarding world needed you more than anyone in the upcoming battle, thus he had to give you your way. It was the only way. 

"Yes. No matter what you do, you won't go to Azkaban. Or anywhere, for that matter. You'll be as free as you are now."

"I'm not very free now, am I? In your office."

"You know what I meant."

You grinned. "Fine. I'll take that deal. But how can I trust you?"

"We can make a deal." 

He was sceptical, but he agreed. A magical deal was agreed, as you locked arms and presented your sides of the argument. He was to ensure your freedom from all legal restrictions at all costs, for the period of battle. You were a free woman, free to do whatever you pleased, with the protection of the law. This was perhaps the most satisfying thing you'd ever done in your life - the legal ability to not follow laws. As your hand gripped his wrist, you smirked straight into his eyes, causing him to ponder and question whether he'd done the right thing. Only when you were back in your seats, back into conversation, with the deal secured, did he continue. 

"Then, may I hear the truth?"

"I killed him. I used the AK. I also used the Cruciatus on Bellatrix twice." 

His eyes widened. Whilst he had expected this from you, he hadn't expected it to such a drastic extent of having tortured someone ... twice. But you were not done - 

"And I plan to kill more."

"Yes ... well, you're killing criminals." 

"And torturing them."

"Is that necessary?"

"Yes. They will all feel the pain that they've caused me, if not worse. And when I get a hold of Bellatrix ... I'll single-handedly use my fingers to pull her eyes out those shitty eye sockets."

Rufus doubted all of his decisions in this moment. He thought your morals were in the right place, and they supposedly were, but there was no denying that your past had an odd effect on you and the approach you took to ending this war. Nonetheless, he sighed and sat back up in his seat, tensing his muscles. 

"Can I trust you to work for us?" He asked.



"I don't work for. You'll be working for, or with, me." 

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