Language of Flowers

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Scotland's sun continued to blaze, which was quite an unusual kind of weather for the UK. However, you bathed in the warmth as it peered through the window into the bathroom. You continued to wash your face, feeling somewhat calm and contended. The water that ran down your face was lukewarm, and it felt refreshing as it hit your eyelids, foreheads, cheeks, lips, chin and nose. Rubbing it with the correct face-wash was even more refreshing, as you felt your night be scrubbed off from your skin. Staring into the mirror, you could see your face begin to foam with the face-wash, as you slowed down your movement to embrace the sight of yourself in the mirror; this was you. This was [F/n] Potter. The face that was loved by many, feared by others, but whichever it was, it did not change the fact that this ... this was you. And when one looks the way that you do, how could they not love themselves? If we cannot escape ourselves, we must embrace ourselves. It comes easier to some than it does to others, but upon feeling the confidence when looking into a mirror with a soapy face, barely woken but soft eyes with a natural glint of composure and freshness - it is the peak of life. Thus, feeling your own fingers running with the soap, you held them against your cheeks as you gazed into your own longing and gentle eyes; this is you, and this is how you look upon the world.

The birds outside were singing, releasing their natural melodies which infiltrated your mind gladly as you bathed in their tune, washing your face in rhythm to their songs. The warmth continued to blaze on your face, illuminating it with the sun's golden brightness that shone in through the glass, as you paused, gazed into your own soul, and feeling as certain as ever, you dipped your head down and splashed it with the refreshing water yet again, allowing the soap to run down your face and through your fingers, down the drain of the sink. The sun's rays through the windows elucidated the slow dust particles as they floated through the air of the old castle, but you scarcely noticed them, too busy with yourself.

As you dried your face, patting it with a towel to stop your skin from damaging, you recalled the dream that you'd had that very night. You wore a long, white floral dress that reached your ankles and created a serene aura around you, with your hair styled so naturally, flowing down beautifully and freely. Your skin glowed within the sun in your cottage, as you gazed outside of the window in the kitchen, seeing the fields, trees, bushed, flowers, and all the birds that sung their songs to you from the outside. All the windows were open. You could feel it; you could feel the eternal peace and joy of the dream, you could smell the nature pouring into your nose, and you could feel the warmth of the sun along the light breeze of an open field.

The longer you gazed out, the calmer you felt. Your ultimate peace sparked, nonetheless, even more when at your side you felt the panting of a restless dog, which hung its tongue down and breathed, its tail wagging at your side excitedly. You thus looked down at it, smiling at the dog's joy, before squatting down and placing your hand on the dog's head, patting him with your own grand smile as he began to lick your face.

"Alright, alright, Willow!" You laughed out, falling back down onto your bottom as she jumped onto you, jumping back and forth around you and proceeding to lick you wherever she could reach you, as you giggled at the feeling of the restless and overjoyed dog. "How was your walk?" You giggled out, sitting up and cupping the dog's head to make it look at you, seeing the eternal gleam of thrill in its dog eyes. "It was good, I see!"

"It was very good," the voice from above said in its deep tone, but a clear hint of enthusiasm and excitement. You continued to smile at Willow, seeing her thrill, as the individual beside you also squatted down next to you and began to pet Willow, smiling at her ever so lovingly. "We love our walks, don't we?"

"Oh," you paused, turning to the man who shared a life with you so wonderfully, his sparkling golden hair in the sun reflecting itself in your bright eyes, as he also turned to you. Your eyes met his wonderful blue ones, reiterating the feeling of warmth within you without the sun, as you felt the comfort of your home, seeing his smile at you. "I made a cake."

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