The Ink

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Harry understood your motivation, but hoped you would refrain from being angry at him for taking matters into his own hands. He did not wish to do this, for he understood that you wished to do it yourself, but time was running out and at the present moment, you were in no state to at all fight for this. Thus, as he seated himself in Slughorn's office, the two exchanged their discourses gladly.

Harry was slick enough to agree to some alcohol, which Slughorn poured in for him, as he also sat back and sipped on his own glass. This action proceeded for some more, except Harry himself refrained from drinking each glass, pretending to sip on it, yet the amount of drink never decreasing. Soon enough, Slughorn was merrily laughing in his office, telling Harry of his personal matters and good old days when he was a teenager, his loves, and then his time as a teacher at Hogwarts for the first time. This sparked the perfect conversation as Harry inquired after Tom Riddle.

"Oh - oh!" Slughorn exclaimed, throwing his head back with flushed cheeks. "He was ... he was one of the most charismatic students I'd ever spoken to! It hurts me ... " He hiccuped, "to know that ... if I hadn't told him that day ... we wouldn't be living in fear today."

Harry edged on his seat, setting his drink aside and shifting himself closer towards Slughorn. "Told him ... told him what that day?"

"I couldn't possibly!" Slughorn continued, ignoring Harry, still talking of his own conversation. "I couldn't possibly tell Dumbledore just how much I'd let him down! And Merlin knows how many of them are out there!"

"How many of ... of what?"

"I gave Dumbledore the altered memory ... of course ... but I hold the real one."

"May I ... may I see it?"

"Oh, go ahead!" Slughorn cried out.

And so, it concluded the night as Harry succeeded in holding the memory. It was with great shame that he acquired it, for he knew how much you wished to have gotten it, but he told himself it was for the greater good and prevented you from stressing your mind and, obviously, your mental scarring. When he took it up with Dumbledore, the two stood around the Pensieve, as Dumbledore stared into it, slightly fearful of what he was about to find out. He turned to Harry momentarily before asking if Harry wished to see, after which he nodded enthusiastically. And so - it happened!

It so happened that Harry was informed of the discourse between Slughorn and a young Tom Riddle - which reasonably suited your previous description of him - in which Tom Riddle inquired after ... Horcruxes. It was with great solemnity that Harry and Dumbledore discovered Slughorn's telling of Horcruxes to Tom. Of course, Harry generally remained clueless of what they meant, only Dumbledore was absolutely devastated at this knowledge.

Only when the memory had passed, Dumbledore knew all that he needed to know. He thus turned to Harry, in which he had no choice but to explain to the boy what Horcruxes were and their general function, which ultimately stripped Harry's face of its colours as he stared wide-eyed at Dumbledore, gulping heavily. When Dumbledore further explained how Horcruxes can possibly be attached to that of Voldemort, Harry fell even paler and terrified at this knowledge. What did Dumbledore mean - what the hell could that old man mean by saying that ... Voldemort's soul was within objects, allowing him to remain immortal? Upon second thought, it made a lot of sense and, as petrified as it'd sent Harry, it was somewhat comforting to know that everyone was a step closer to defeating Voldemort. Yes - Harry acknowledged that this news had to be passed onto you as soon as possible, but he grew worried of you becoming angry at finding out that he'd gone and done all of this behind your back.

"Is there any way to know what the Horcruxes are?"

Dumbledore hesitated momentarily before sighing and turning away. "I will ... I will look into it. When I figure anything out, Harry, I will come to you right away."

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