Why, of Course

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"It's been a week, Harry."

"I know ... I know," he sighed, turning to the end of the Slytherin table, where he saw you leaning on your hand, staring ahead of yourself, not speaking to anyone, not eating, not living, but surviving. "There's only a couple of days left till the summer holidays ... I'll distract her when we are home."

"Will you be going to the Dursleys?"

"Possibly ... but I believe we'll have a lot of business at Grimmauld Place. But ... I don't think [F/n] will join me in anything."

"You can't blame her," Ron added.

"Of course not. But ... are we all still keeping to the agreement about Horcruxes?"

"Of course," Hermione nodded, "but Harry ... what about [F/n]? She's barely functioning. I don't think she'll even want to find them with us. Plus, her mental strain and everything ... I'm really worried about her. Maybe it will be better for her to stay at Hogwarts."

"What? No, Hermione!"

"Do you have a better idea!?"

"I'm not leaving my sister here ... when it's dangerous."

"And that way, we could have ties to Hogwarts," Ron added, "plus ... she spent the year practicing Apparition, as has Hermione. If we need to, communication between each other will be easy. [F/n] will be able to join us when she feels ready, but when she doesn't ... Hogwarts is the best place for her to stay, mate."

"I'm worried," Harry said again, turning back again.

There you were, in the exact same position, still staring ahead of yourself at the table, clearly not present mentally, but somewhere far within your mind. However, this ability to zone out did not continue for long as, from behind, you heard your name be called by a voice you recognised well - a voice you associated with Draco. It was Blaise. Blaise Zabini. Draco's ... best friend. The boy who had been present through all your loves and hardships with Draco. That was Blaise Zabini.

Thus, with the solemn expression, you slowly shifted yourself and turned around to face Blaise, who also bore an expression of discomfort and pain, as he gestured for you to get up and follow him. Sceptically, you rose and did indeed follow him as he headed out of the Great Hall. Many eyes were on you as you walked behind him, with your eyes red and puffy, your face pale, and an absence of liveliness in your manner of life.

Only when you were finally outside with Blaise, and the two of you slowed down your walks, walking side-by-side, both looking down at the ground with sombre expressions in silence. You knew why he dragged you out, but neither of you had the guts to speak first within this cruel silence. It was after some more turns, some more corners, some more windows, that Blaise gained the courage to open his mouth and proceed. "Have you ... have you heard from him?"

Your chest clenched itself again at the mention of Draco, despite the absence of his direct name.


"Me neither."

"We won't."

"How can you ... how can you be sure that we won't?"

"Because," you inhaled deeply, "I don't think he wants to be heard from."

"He's not one of them, [F/n] ... I know him ... I know that he wouldn't."

"I know, Blaise. Believe me ... I know ... been there, done that. But things are a bit difficult right now."

"But you, [F/n]."


"What's been happening with you? I haven't heard a word from you ... or seen you show any emotions ... or eat, even ... since it all happened. I've barely seen you about too."

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