One Hour Sleep

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Christmas was an incredible time. You were glad to have made up with Draco after your minor dispute, and you spent the morning and the entire day with people closest to you. You were [F/n] Potter, therefore you had gotten the broom for Draco; that exact day that Adrian had asked to do something with you, you took it upon yourself to offer Diagon Alley to him, which was the perfect opportunity to buy Draco his broom. And Draco, oh Draco, with his most creative ideas, got you a quill, which, upon the first look, seemed normal and casual, until Draco told you of its secrets. He had spent weeks learning spells to charm the quill into giving it a consciousness, where, upon request, the quill could recite any literary piece to you on paper. You were amazed at the creativity of this idea, and the fact that he'd bothered to search for a worthwhile spell for so long. The entire day was spent with Ginny, Blaise, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Luna, and at the end of the day, you even went to visit Snape, as he sat alone in his office before his fireplace, sipping on some tea and gazing into the fire.

"Knock knock," you said audibly whilst also knocking on the door and peeking your head in. Snape turned to you, his expression softening upon the sight of you, before he turned back to the fireplace. "Merry Christmas, Snape-o."

"Snape-o?" He asked. 

"Sure, why not?" You grinned, heading over to him, grabbing a nearby armchair, and placing it next to his, also before the fire. You took a seat on it, placing your wrapped present on your lap. "I have something for you."

"Something ... for me?" He asked, turning to you again, placing the cup of tea down onto a small table beside the armchair he was sitting on. 

"A Christmas present."

"You know I'm not a fan of Christmas, [F/n]."

"I'm aware, Scrooge."

"Are you the ghost of my Christmas past?" He asked, smiling ever so faintly, proud of his reference.

You smiled too, realising that he had read the book after all, after all these years. "Here," you said, giving him the wrapped present. 

He looked doubtful for a moment. He looked down at your hand for a second, then at you, then at the present again, until, with a clenched jaw, he took the present from you. He held onto it for some time as he looked at you. He did not seem to have the intention of opening it, until you urged him on with your large, excited grin, causing him to sigh and begin to unwrap the present. 

"Your eyes are intimidating, Potter, staring at me like that."

"Apologies. Open it. Faster."

He finally opened it. He placed the paper aside and looked down at the present. It was a photo frame, with a photo inside of you and Snape together. The photo had been taken some years ago after you'd won a Quidditch match. You were still in your Quidditch gear, holding your broom at your side proudly, with a wide and jovial grin, as Snape stood beside you. He did not show much expression in the photo, but his hand was on your shoulder proudly, like a father would hold his son's shoulders, and the tiniest hint of approval showed itself in his face in the photo. He looked at this photo for some moments, and you noticed that his hands began to grip the frame tighter and tighter, till his hands were almost trembling. 

"Snape, you good?" 

He inhaled quickly, turning away, as he placed the frame down onto his lap. You couldn't hear him breathe, as though he was holding his breath. 

"Oi, Snape." 

"Thank you, [F/n]," he said quickly and quietly, still looking away from you completely. 

"You good, though?"


"Look at me."


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