To See Draco

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Now it was your turn to be nervous, as you paced the room up and down, gripping your phone tightly in your hand. You were literally afraid from a rejection from your own boyfriend, and you knew that the idea was horrendously ridiculous, but you believed that if all went well, that the aftermath would be worth it, for you would get to see Draco and spend the evening with him. Ginny and Hermione had already gone to suggest the idea to Harry and Ron so that the two wouldn't be too surprised if Draco turned up, and, in that same manner, Fleur had gone to inform some of her closest guests also of another potential guest, be that none other than Draco Malfoy himself.

"Goodness ... what am I so nervous of?" You whispered to yourself, lifting the phone against your lips and closing your eyes, inhaling slowly. "That he'll tell me that he can't make it? It's understandable, of course. And if he can make it? Then we are putting everyone in danger. No, no! It's a ridiculous idea! I am not going to invite him." You said finally, heading for the door to go and tell your friends the decision."

In the final moment, you stopped and turned back into the room, letting go of the door and heading back inside again before pacing back and forth again. "But I mean ... it's just one day ... one night, and if Snape covers, then I don't see why not. But Snape won't approve!" And with this, you gritted your teeth before sending your arm back with the phone, before releasing it harshly and throwing your phone across the room. It was to your great luck that it had hit the sofa at the other end of the room, bouncing on it but not off it. "Dickhead sofa," you groaned, "if my phone had broken, I wouldn't have had a choice. Curse choice!"

You huffed again, proceeding your pacing. You truly wanted to see Draco before yourself; to hold him freely, to kiss him, to live with him in a careless manner. But the circumstance of your disposition was no good; he could scarcely look at you - he was left to rely on the presence of your soul, somewhere out there, feeling your yearning intertwine within his, reassuring himself of your existence. You, yourself, were no different, as you relied on the heavenly thought of Draco. As long as he remained in your mind, you trusted that he would continue to exist in that same ethereal manner; that is not to say that he is to look the same, or behave the same, but merely that he exists as himself which is sufficient enough to be ethereal within your view of him. Through your lens of vision, the existence of him as Draco Lucius Malfoy, the boy who he was - it was worthy of loving - and thus pursuing your thought of him as he was and is, would supply you with the trust that he remained so; that he was himself, that he existed, and that he was worth loving.

"Oh, screw it," you groaned, storming over to the sofa upon which your phone was lying as you lifted it to yourself, picking at your lips as you did so, feeling the anxiety course through your body. There is little to do in the current moment, yet so much to exist through, which prevented the current moment from reaching its full potential due to the necessities of the future. Yes, yes, it was a reckless thought and stupid thing to do - to invite Draco Malfoy! After his working with the Death Eaters. You were forgiving indeed, but not everyone was so.

You had scrolled through your contacts list, seeing Draco's name and the burning desire within your limbs to call him. You wished to call him in the manner you would call a normal boyfriend, whom you lived a normal life with, but your unfortunate life presented you from doing so.

"Being the main character would be easier if I wasn't in love," you huffed, "now I just want to live peacefully. Draco is already a fucking struggle."

And, in one impulsive movement of your finger, you had dialled his number. As you inhaled deeply, you lifted the phone to your ear and continued to pick at your lips in nerves, praying that Draco was in a place where he could answer the phone comfortably.

"[F/n]?" His voice asked on the other end, slight hope but worry at the suddenness of your call.

"Are you okay?"

Everlasting 2 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now