Wandless Magic

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"I knew we couldn't trust you," the man began in a sly tone, smirking at Draco, "just wait till the Dark Lord finds out ... you'll be as dead as your whore!"

There was no time to think. It happened so fast. You did not even know what you had done. It was involuntary. It was so quick ... so sudden ... but so right.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Your heart clenched in horror at the thing you'd done, when you noticed the life drift from the Death Eater's eyes and the manner in which his face fell pale and lifeless. His body weakened immediately, falling back and hitting the ground harshly, his bones crackling and encompassing your entire mind. The green flash had been faster than you expected, and you could scarcely process your own doing. 

Draco's lips trembled, his eyes widened and glassy, with sweat dripping down his face as he breathed heavily, panicked. He could not pull his eyes away from the Death Eater's corpse, seeing what you had done to him. And, as the Death Eater had fallen backwards, his sleeve had fallen back, revealing his lower arm and the dark mark upon it; the snake and skull intertwined within each other, symbolising his intentions and cruel machinations. You and Draco first stared at the mark and the sense of finality you felt from it, before looking at his face and the manner in which his lips were open, his eyes rolled back, and blood slowly dripping out of the back of his head from the harsh blow as he had hit the ground. The blood slithered through the ground before gently soaking up into it, leaving you and Draco to stare into nothingness. 

Finally, you gained the courage to slowly turn sideways to Draco, seeing the horror within his face. He seemed to be more scarred than you were, as you pursed your lips. You felt fine; you did not particularly feel any resentment or guilt - you believed that what the Death Eater received, he had wholly deserved. Had he not threatened the love of your life, perhaps he would not have received such an end.

Take me, but never threaten Draco, you thought to yourself, sharpening your eyes. 

"Let's go," Draco finally said with an exhale, grabbing your hand and pulling you further through the cornfields, until you reached the end and found yourselves in the open grassland, the Burrow now a distant memory.

By now, silence encompassed you and Draco as you stood, panting, in the open field, looking out into the darkness and feeling the gentle breeze sway past you. You both stood, inhaling deeply, feeling the fresh air clear your bodies, almost like a cleansing serum. Neither of you could exactly speak; all Draco could think of was the easy manner in which you had cast the spell. You, on the other hand, could not feel less bothered by it - it was, quite frankly, quite a satisfactory thing to do. Had the Death Eater had goodness within himself, or loved, or felt, then you would have felt remorse. But threatening Draco? Suggesting Draco's death? No - that was not something that [F/n] Potter would stand for. 

Thus, looking out into the open field and seeing the hills in the distance, you knew that the village was just past them. The breeze was much more distinct in an open field as your hair began to fly to the side, alongside your dress as it danced in the direction of the wind. Yours and Draco's journey through the field was one of determination, stern and serious faces, but no words were exchanged. You walked in silence, slightly behind Draco, who walked faster than you, breathing heavily as his hand tensed every now and then - the hand with his wand. He was prepared for anything, really, but he could scarcely control his thoughts and know what to think after witnessing the very thing he did. Even when he ascended the hills, he remained before you, looking out in a protective manner to ensure that danger was nowhere around. But no words were said. Whilst this was partially because he did not know what to say to you, it was also because he had to listen out; he wished to hear of everything going on around, whether there would be screams or whispers, but most of all, he wished to hear your footsteps behind himself. He lacked the courage to turn around and look into your eyes, therefore he relied on his hearing to know of your following and safety. 

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