Two Curses

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"Close the door, Weasley." 

"As if you'll do anyth - "

A sudden blow had been delivered to his stomach, causing a loud yelp in pain as he curled into another ball of pain. 

"Don't fall into her cunning lies, Malfoy - "

"Never," Draco spat out, "say my name again."

"You alright, mate?" Blaise asked, patting Draco on the back as he snapped him out of his own thoughts. "You seem deep in your own thoughts." 

"Just ... thinking."


"[F/n] and that prick. I get so ... angry whenever I think about it." 

"Try to think about something else. Come on, we're already late for Snape's lesson. Do you know what you're going to get [F/n] for Christmas?"

"I'm not quite sure." 


"That's already on the list, but I want to get her more." 

Walking through the Hogwarts hallways, Draco now began to receive the same looks as [F/n] Potter always had. Eyes of fear and curiosity - eyes of interest and desire to know more - understand more. Blaise noticed these eyes and felt himself grow uncomfortable. Partially, he was incredibly glad to know he was never there in the moment to see what had happened, but a part of him wished he had been. Whatever Draco had done was clearly dramatic, for both him and Ginny refused to speak of it, the only two people who were in the room except Goyle himself and, eventually, Snape. 

They had arrived in the DADA classroom soon enough, but were already late. All students were already sitting around in their desks, including yourself as you sat by Neville. All eyes consequently turned to them and watched them slowly stroll down the aisle into their desks. Snape stood at the front, silent, and watched them come in.

"You're late." 

"Only by like two minutes. Relax." Draco said.

"Watch your - "

"We're just wasting more time," you scoffed out, "don't let those dickheads hold the lesson back any longer. Just go on." 

Draco and Blaise furrowed their brows at you across the classroom for calling them dickheads, but you were too busy watching Snape's reaction to notice. He, however, agreed with you and thus resumed with the lesson that had been interrupted by the two. And, in fact, it was not like two minutes - they had been late by fifteen minutes.

"Malfoy, that's enough - " Ginny huffed out, wishing to intervene but not quite finding the will within herself to do so. She knew rationally that Draco was to stop, for his own good, but she could not help but feel her own satisfaction rise with every blow. 

"Are you going to tell me?" 

"Go to hell." 

"Fine then. I'll find out for myself." And, inhaling, Draco stepped back. "Legilimens!" 

"Oh, for Merlin's sake," Ginny whispered, noticing the trance between Draco and Goyle. She wanted to know too, of course, but she did not quite know if she wanted to see it. And if she did not want to see it, it certainly was not a good idea for Draco to see it.

"Malfoy," Snape snapped, "are you even listening? Not only are you late to my lesson ... but you stop listening. I suggest you start to pay attention. Stay behind." 

"Piss take."

"Oh," Snape paused before turning to you. He met your eyes before saying, "You can stay behind too."

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