The Tragic Hero

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The Sword was the correct thing to destroy Horcruxes with as, upon the slash of the Diadem, a huge beam was cast out and, whatever it was that had happened, something had happened, alright. You assumed that your friends wanted to see it, but you were [F/n] Potter; we all have our flaws, in this case being selfishness and severe independence. 

There was something displeasing about the dependence on others, you thought. Staring at the ceiling, you pondered over all the moments which you believed built you to become the character you were and, most of all, how that character had developed. 

The initial stage of character development was having your parents die, of course. Then moving in with an abusive family who later apologised and became suck ups. Only when you went back over it in your head, did you realise how bizarre it'd sounded. 

Having an enemy who you developed sexual tension with was a huge part on your character development.

Finding a family member who died at the hands of Bellatrix was also great!

Oh dear, cannot forget the boyfriend who was no better than yourself.

Perhaps a deadly tournament at an age too-young?

Or perhaps fighting people, snakes, ideas - far too soon. 

The library incident ... indeed.

It was all scattered around your mind, all but a blur. 

I thought it was clear by now. I thought it was clear who [F/n] Potter was, is, and will be. For she is greatness - her mind spirals like no other. Filled with confidence and recklessness, but raw intelligence and deep thought. 

They say a great character has flaws which work perfectly with their strengths, but what does one do if their very strength is their very weakness? The power, the strength, the recklessness, confidence, and finally - the intellect.

Sighing, you rose from the bed. Darkness everywhere as you stepped into your slippers. The ground was cold, as was the atmosphere. Quiet snores and heavy breaths could be heard around when you threw a jacket on, then picked up the pen and slipped into the jacket pocket. And with that, you exited the dorm room, slowly strolling through the common room, out of it, up the stairs. Hands remained in jacket pockets, staring ahead of yourself with a poker face as you walked through the castle. 

The moon continued to glimmer through, attempting to catch your face, hopefully wishing to lighten your pathway, but soon hiding behind clouds when it noticed the blankness of your face. The natural coldness of it. 

You, yourself, were surprised at yourself and the fact that, considering all that had occurred over the years, you were still sane. Kind of. 

Up the stairs - up so many of them - straight to a place of significance. The Astronomy Tower. The moon's full access to you through the great opening. Not many people went to the Astronomy Tower, not anymore. It was once a place of excitement where all the lovebirds went, or dreamy and hopeful people, or people with yearning hearts. Nowadays, everyone avoided it. It was a haunted area; one filled with the evil of the Death Eaters and suffering of Dumbledore. The Astronomy Tower was a place of agony that the Hogwarts students wished to escape from, whilst you sought out yourself. 

Stepping into the tower, you could see half of the place illuminated vividly by the moon's silver glimmer, whilst the other half remained completely dark. Sighing, you went in further towards the part of the tower, which soon began to shimmer with moonlight as the clouds stepped aside, now giving the moon access to most of the room.

There, as the clouds moved away, the moon's light revealed a piece of paper hung up on the wall, which you were directly staring at with a poker face, patiently waiting. 

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