Avada Kedavra

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You see, reader, the wedding party was most beautiful and extravagant. Even as you sat with your head leaning on your hand at the table, refusing to get up and dance, simply sipping on the alcohol and hoping that at least a bit of intoxication would soothe your loneliness as you witnessed the couples dancing, cuddling, kissing all around.

There was some odd feeling within you; a feeling you understood well, but you dismissed it completely under the excuse that it was the alcohol within you making you feel uneasy.

But the feeling remained - the feeling as though you were, yet again, waiting for something to happen passively, as though you were but a spectator amongst death. It was a terrible feeling, and whenever you felt it, sick rose up; mixed with alcohol, the feeling of being uneasy only increased the nausea.

And so, when Hermione came over to you with flushed cheeks from the alcohol and her dancing, a grand smile on her face as she was laughing, having finished dancing with Ron, she took a hold of your wrist and attempted to pull you off your seat. "Come, dance!" She cried out laughing.

"No," you said shortly, pulling your arm away as you gritted your teeth and scrunched your teeth, feeling the sick feeling rise within your stomach.

"Oh no, you've gone pale!" She cried out. "Are you going to be sick?"

"Yes." And with this, you dashed away from your seat and charged out of the tent that the wedding party was being held in.

You immediately rushed to the closest bush, knowing that you would not make it into the house, which was actually just before the house. And, falling onto your knees before a bush, you released the load as you puked straight into the bush, releasing all your contents including all your meals from the day, mixed with the alcohol and your own saliva. You gagged heavily in the process, as tears began to rush down your cheeks; you felt like a horrendous mess.

"Argh fuck," you cried out, only to be cut short as your stomach emptied itself even more, falling straight again into the bush. You remained on your knees, throwing your hands down as well to hold yourself up weakly with your head drooped, feeling the pool of your own tears and sickness mingling. "Why do I do this to myself? God."

And, breathing in the cold air of the night, you heard the muffled sounds of laughter, singing, and the up-beat music back from the tent; cheery people who were experiencing the moments of their life. And here you were, the mess that you were, because you once decided to fall in love with a Malfoy! A stupid Malfoy! Because a villain had captured your heart.

"But the villains ... " You gagged, feeling more come up, but not actually coming out as it ran back down your throat, allowing you to continue, "are always hotter."

Still staring at the messy ground below yourself, you gagged at the sight of your production before, suddenly, you heard a voluntary rustle of a bush nearby. There was no wind at this present time, but the sound was so distinct that it caught your attention enough as you darted your eyes towards the sound. Whoever this cunt is, they're lucky I'm half dead, you thought to yourself with drooped eyes, weakly rising onto your two feet as you gagged once more. You quickly slammed your hand over your mouth, closed your eyes and inhaled, telling yourself that you were okay. Weakly, you reached down to your bra, where you had stuffed your wand in. Yes - it produced an odd shape, but everyone knew that you never parted from your wand, therefore they understood.

"Go on, you silly cunt," you cried out in a groan, lifting your wand as you slowly and warily crossed over to the bush from which you heard the sound, which was just around the corner of the house. "Show yourself ... if you're so brave."

Your heart dropped entirely when you felt yourself be grabbed.

A hand had been placed on your mouth, restricting your ability to scream, as you were pulled in against the wall, held from behind by a strong arm which held you tightly.

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