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"What the hell happened to you?" Harry cried out, throwing himself onto his knees beside you and tending to you immediately. Draco, too, remained on his knees beside you, pulling out his wand already. "And what the hell are you doing here?"

"I think we're past that kind of bickering, Potter," Draco scoffed, not even bothering to look at Harry as he placed his wand firmly against your thigh. Draco closed his eyes, focused, quite muttering some words to himself as he grazed the wand against your cut thigh. Slowly, a stinging began to rise within your thigh, causing you to gasp and grab onto it, beside the cut, but Draco had grabbed your wrist to prevent you from the covering the gash which he was healing. "Don't touch it." And he consequently continued to mutter words, his eyes now open, until the stinging ceased completely and, looking through the trouser slit, there was no cut anymore. "You're okay." 

"You're a saviour," you cried out, wrapping your arms around Draco and kissing him momentarily, which he reciprocated immediately. "How did you know where to find me?"

"Funny story - I didn't. I was on my way to the Ministry when some Death Eaters actually came for me to pick me up. Apparently my parents called me home." He paused, fiddling with the box, attempting to open it. "How the hell do you open this?"

"Draco, Draco, calm down," you said, taking the box from his hands and setting it aside. "Breathe." You instructed, taking his shaky hands in yours. You steadied your breathing, looking into his eyes, allowing him to mimic your breathing as he steadied his own. "We'll get out of here. It's fine."

"No." He snapped. "You'll get out of here. I'm staying."

"Staying?" Harry asked. 

"You heard me. My father wants me here. I have to stay." 

"You don't know what they'll do to you. What Voldemort will - "

"I don't care." Draco shook his head. "I'm getting you out of here, and I'm staying."

"They'll find out you set us free," Harry said. 

"I know. But I can't keep running from my parents. I've got to face them sooner or later. I haven't seen them since I actively rebelled and ... never went back. I haven't seen any of them."

"Draco, it's dangerous - "

"For the love of Merlin, [F/n], let me do something on my own for once."

You paused, staring into Draco's panicked eyes. He wasn't looking at you; he was looking downwards at the box you'd set aside, his eyes purposely afraid of yours. His hands remained shaky and his breath returned to its fluctuation; his skin was pale and hair an utter mess. He was terrified, there was no doubt about it, but he seemed very passionate about getting you out and staying there by himself. 

In the end, Draco wasn't your pet, nor your child. He was your boyfriend. You couldn't always be afraid for him; you had to have faith in his ability to protect himself. He was powerful ... he wasn't the weak boy who once cried when a wand was against him, or the boy who required others' approval, or the boy who conformed to society. He was Draco Malfoy - a stronger one - who held his own opinions and stuck to them, educated and passionate, and would fight till his last breath. You believed in this Draco Malfoy. If he wanted to stay, you were going to let him stay. 

"Only if you swear to me that - " You paused. You were going to tell him to call if you necessary, but you felt it unreasonable to say such a thing. Saying so, it indicated that you believed he wasn't strong enough on his own. You exhaled, continuing, "Swear to me that you'll return to me, living, breathing." 

"I swear to you," he whispered, holding your hand in his, looking into your eyes now, "that I'll return to you, living, breathing."

"Tear these hoes down," you grinned. 

Everlasting 2 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now