One Party

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"A party? Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, of course! There'll be all kinds of alcohol too!" 

"Finally, something good to come out of our time here. But only Slytherins?"

"Not too sure about that. I think other houses might be able to mingle in too." 

"Then teachers will find out."

"Not if it's secret enough. Stop worrying. It'll be fine. Plus, with Snape as Headmaster, what's he going to do?"

"He's going to kill us all! You know he'd do it!"

There was indeed a party. It was actually held in the Room of Requirement, with lights blazing black, green and silver - smoke covered the entire room, and music blasted loudly. Whoever had organised the music, there was no doubt about them being a muggle-born, for the music played was so easily recognised as muggle music. If one was good at recognising music, they would've recognised such an odd but somehow well suited choice of Travis Scott's song 'Goosebumps'. Whilst the muggle-borns sang along, holding up their drinks and dancing. Even the pure-bloods, half-bloods - all of them - danced in rhythm to the music. So suddenly, there was a mutual understanding between all the wizards and witches that everyone was equal in rebellion and freedom. The houses mingled freely, as everyone wore clothes of their choice. It wasn't hard to distinguish each house from the other; the Slytherins were typically recognised by their dark clothing and stern or sultry faces. The Gryffindors wore casual and typical every-day clothing, mingling easily and expressing their bubbly selves. The Hufflepuffs wore bright clothing typically, and held generous faces serenely. Then the Ravenclaws; they wore mature and formal clothing and danced so elegantly, knowing their limits but letting freedom reign nonetheless. 

"It's fucking sick!" 

"I love it!" 

"Who's selling the alcohol?" 

"Uh ... it looks like it's Saorise!" 

"Oi, nah, she's banging." 

"Go talk to her." 

"And say what?" 

"Ask her if she's free after her alcohol bits. Go to the toilets or something."

"Do you think so?"

"Hell yeah! She's been eyeing you up all evening! Look - she's looking at you right now!" 

"Right, right. Shut up. I'll do it. Be quiet." 

He made his way over slowly to Saorise, seeing her gleaming and lowered eyes on him, knowing what to expect and embracing it completely. When he struck a conversation, with time, he succeeded. Before anyone knew it, the stand had been taken over by another Slytherin; Andreas Hughes. He could see everyone at the party, blazing with excitement and joy. What he witnessed was absolute freedom and pure joy. The night had reached such a point that many individuals found themselves grinding on others, twerking, touching and indulging in hedonistic activities of carelessness. 

Whoever had become the DJ that night was controlling the music magically, but with enough intent, they succeeded in exhibiting more complex and bizarre combinations of the muggle world. The entire crowd burst into uncontrollable feelings when another of Travis Scott's played, be that 'Highest in the Room'. 

Yet, upon the music, the crowd could scarcely dance with the freedom they wished to. In the manner that a certain individual revealed themselves, with their gleaming eyes exposing themselves from within the smoke and the mixture of green, black and silver lights; the manner in which their eyes slowly scanned the room and crossed through. Everyone had stepped to the side, giving the power of this individual the capability to walk where they pleased, as the individual's lips only curled at the edges lightly, a smirk of power possessing the room. 

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