Her Turn

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Draco had quite honestly grown used to the muggle life. Not only were your mannerisms suited to muggles, thereby teaching Draco them and allowing him to become used to them, but also he'd spent enough time in London and around muggles to understand their situations suitably. That's not to say he enjoyed everything, for some electronics proved way too difficult for him to wrap his head around initially, and he would often stare at them in confusion. In a very similar manner, he worried he would break something whenever he was handed something like a remote. On the other hand, on a more positive note, he actually learned to operate around on your phone. Whenever you sat on it, he would often sit beside or behind you and would watch you; he thus gained an understanding of social media and even TikTok. He believed that muggles were weird for some of the trends that he caught sight of on TikTok.

It was already the second day that you were spending here, at the Dursleys, and still nothing had happened. Aunt Petunia was recovering well, and you began to think that perhaps it was simply a warning after all. Had it been a trap, something would have most likely happened by now. Your growing boredom resulted in your playing a game of football with Harry in the back garden, despite the severe breeze and grey clouds. Draco did not quite know how to engage, thus he kept himself inside, on the sofa, where he continued to look out and watch you playing football. It was undeniable that, whatever this odd sport was (which he held negative memories of; falling off a tree due to a football, and then witnessing you playing it and laughing with Diggory boy), you were incredibly good at it. Whichever way you wished for the ball to fly, it was directed in that very way successfully, and always hit with the right power and at the right angle. Even Harry sucked at football compared to you, but nonetheless playing with each other passed time and was reasonably enjoyable.

Yet, as England weather does, soon enough the clouds began to release their tears, causing them to fall onto you and Harry. It did not take long for the rain to rapidly increase, and, looking up, it began to hit your face aggressively as it had now began to pour. Harry was the smart one in this situation, having grabbed the football as he ran inside. Yet, you could not help but look up at the grey clouds, feeling your stomach churn oddly. There was something dissatisfying about your own existence suddenly as you were overwhelmed with the atypical feeling of sickness and despair. The feeling ... again.

Yes - you understood this feeling. It was never a good one. Something always followed a second or two after. And this moment, you believed, was not going to be any different. Your sole ability to think fast gave you the easiness of already pulling out your wand, despite knowing that it may not necessarily be needed now. And, as you continued to look up at the rainy clouds, you heard your name from Harry's mouth.

"Get inside, [F/n], you absolute twat!"

Slowly, you looked down from the sky to Harry, who was standing inside with the garden door lightly open, gesturing for you to come inside. Your odd action of remaining outside already caused him and Draco to watch you with nervous eyes, yet when Harry caught sight of your stern and focused expression, he understood immediately. His face fell in worry, his lips fell pale and he too pulled out his wand.

"What is it, Potter?" Draco asked, rising from the sofa and crossing over to Harry, who still stood at the door watching you.

"It's not good."

"What isn't?"

"Something is going to happen."

"How do you know?"

"Just look at her," Harry said, gesturing his head towards you.

By now, you were already back to looking up at the sky, your arm slouched by your side with the wand gripped tightly. Draco's eyes trailed down your entire figure, examining the horrific manner in which you stood helplessly with your arms loosely at your sides, and he began to feel sick at the sight. Consequently, he pulled out his own wand and kept it at his side, still standing by Harry at the door, feeling the rain drip before him and occasionally splash onto him, as his eyes remained on you across the garden.

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