Say the Same

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You had explained the dream to Draco, who sat in the Slytherin common room, at the table, with his legs man-spreading as he leaned his elbows on them, leaning forward, with his hands clasped together as he looked up at you worriedly. He could feel his own muscles tense when he heard you speak of the horrors, but he was undoubtedly somewhat relaxed at the knowledge that you did not dream of your dead self. During that night also, he concluded that whilst his physical needs were being met by the sleep he was acquiring by being away from you, his emotional needs were decreasing, and he felt himself filled with anxiety every night, which only stopped him from sleeping further. Thus, as he listened to you, he told himself that after you finished talking, he would propose his argument to you as to why you ought to let him sleep with you again.

"Was I handsome in the dream?"

"You looked the way you do in reality, so no."


"But not all hope is lost! Harry told me - "

"Wait, wait," he took your hands in his, "before you continue, can I say something?"

"Yes, of course," you relaxed in your seat, holding onto his hands too.

"Last night, I realised that yes, my physical needs are met as I am sleeping, yes?"


"But, in that very same manner, I am lacking on my emotional needs."

"Draco - "

"No, no, hear me out." He noticed you sigh, thus he gripped your hands tighter. "I have sleepless nights anyway, worrying about you. So why can I not just be with you? Please. It's all I ask of you. To let me sleep with you and be beside you."

"You're ... " You paused momentarily, looking upon his pleading face. "You're unbelievable. But ... alright, I suppose."

"Yes!" He grinned, tugging on your arms and pulling you out of your chair as he brought your face up to his and kissed it miraculously everywhere, across your cheeks, nose, lips, eyes and forehead, leaving you to giggle like a young child. "But continue ... you were saying about what Potter told you."

"Oh, yes!" You gleamed again, taking a hold of Draco's hands enthusiastically, wrapping your fingers in-between his and smiling grandly. The shift in your expression to this hopeful one caused a smile to erupt on Draco's lips. "Voldemort."

"Voldemort? How is this going to be good news - "

"Well, if you listened, you would find out. So, you know how Voldemort just cannot be killed?"


"Well ... what if I told you ... Harry acquired the memory from Slughorn ... which tells us how he is alive."

"[F/n], that's amazing!" Draco shot up, straightening his back in his seat, gazing at you with widened eyes. His eyes shone now with more than a potential hope, but a free joy and enthusiasm. You nodded rapidly, taking his hands again and pulling him closer again. He abided and lowered himself in his man-spreading position again, his face closer to yours.

"Of course ... there is a lot of thinking to be done. All that we do know is that he uses Horcruxes, which are basically objects that you put a piece of your soul in. As long as these Horcruxes exist, he will continue to be immortal. Thus, we have to destroy each and every one."

"Well, what are they?"

"That ... is the issue. We are absolutely clueless on that matter, but Dumbledore said he will handle it. Gosh ... I feel like Dean, or Sam, or Castiel. Really working with supernatural matters here."


"Oh ... they are characters from a muggle show. Nevertheless, Draco ... we are a step closer! We are a step closer!"

"We are," he smiled brightly, taking your cheeks and pulling you to himself again. You abided entirely, leaping up from your seat and taking a seat on his lap astride, as you both cupped each other's cheeks and pressed your lips against each other's. "You didn't win against Potter with the bet though, did you?"

"Unfortunately ... not. But, we do have a new one!"

"A new one?"

"Who can find the most Horcruxes and destroy them."

"I can't even say I'm surprised," Draco laughed lightly, shaking his head. "It's all looking up now, if you ask me."

"Yes! It is! But I must leave you for a while ... Hermione and I arranged to have a study session, so I'll have to get going." At this, Draco frowned. "But, when I am gone, think of me and think of how excited you will be to see me again," you added with a mischievous grin as you lightly pressed your index finger against his nose. "I love you ... forever and always."

"Good," he whispered, lifting one of your hands to his face, before pressing his lips against the back of your hand. "I love these little hands. And your little arms, and your little legs, and your little face, and your little brain."

"I - " You gasped at his words, as the two of you erupted in light laughter, bringing all Slytherin eyes onto yourselves. "Then, in that case, I love your little d - "

"Lies aren't acceptable."

You pursed your lips at this, before falling into another pit of laughter with him. However, it was indeed time to go, so you and Draco planted your final kisses on each other, before he flicked your forehead. You stood up and, as you were leaving, you felt Draco poke your bum from behind, causing you to flinch lightly and turn back to him in horror, as he looked up at you with a sneer. You smiled but shook your head at his childishness before setting off to Hermione. Draco was left to watch you leave, his eyes pressed intently on you, as he sat back in his seat and melted into it entirely. He was as happy as ever, knowing that you were a step closer, and yet, with thoughts of Death Eaters, the mark upon his arm, his own family, he felt his own heart pierce itself hopelessly. He was reminded of his duties, of his lies, and of all the things he owed you, but refused you. He was forever thankful for your forgetfulness, or perhaps simple lack of curiosity, for you had not inquired after the Opal necklace after the matter ended. He could not imagine what he would tell you had you asked for it, and his own heart shattered into pieces when he realised the endlessness of his situation. Could you still love him? Could you still love him as strongly as you do? Could you truly say that you were going to love him forever and always? He would not blame you if you ever chose to stop loving him.

As happy and fulfilled as he was with you, whenever you left the picture, the daunting thoughts returned to him of self-hatred and self-questioning. He doubted every decision of his, except the one where he chose to love you. It was perhaps the only decision in his life that he was sure of. But how can you, [F/n] Potter, so valorous and so great - how can you possibly love someone as weak and cowardly as him? He questioned it a lot, and thought himself unworthy of you. But there you were, as glorious as you were, and you loved him as you did; he could not possibly doubt it, thus he promised himself to hold onto you and your love till his very last breath. When you find out what he is doing, what he is capable of, though, can you say the same? 

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