Live Like Legends

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You were to return to Hogwarts on the very next day, for matters seemed to have been taken of. The Order agreed to keep an eye out on your family back at Privet Drive, and Lupin agreed to explain to the Dursleys why you, Harry and Draco disappeared so suddenly when they had been out. For the rest of the day, you entertained yourself by either talking or reading, and as the Order was due to look after you, they all remained at Grimmauld Place and therefore set a positive atmosphere as, towards the evening, you all agreed to play charades. In the meantime, Mrs Weasley was in the kitchen preparing sandwiches for everyone, as Draco went in there to grab himself a drink, and he did not exit until the very end as Mrs Weasley kept him back and forced him to help her make the sandwiches as there were so many to be made. He stared at momentarily, believing his ears to be deceiving him, but when she awaited his reaction (and her expression told him that she would not take no for an answer) he smiled awkwardly and thus stood beside her, making the sandwiches with her.

That very night, Draco did not sleep. He lied beside you in your bed and kept a watch over you, ensuring you did not jolt or scream during the night. Truth be told, you also struggled to sleep for quite a while, thus you both agreed to keep the light on at the side as you entertained yourself by reading and Draco, with nothing else to do, used your phone to read up on muggle history and all the topics he knew were of interest to you. He'd mastered a phone by now, and felt himself proud for it, and even you often kissed his cheek for engaging in muggle matters, which only motivated him to do it more.

When the night reached a long point, you were forced to close your book and turn off the light, rolling over onto your side and going to sleep as tiredness had overwhelmed you. Draco turned to you, looking at you as you headed off to sleep, but he did not say anything, but kept still to avoid catching your attention. He then continued searching through your phone and reading on random topics, after he learned of what YouTube was, in which he proceeded to watch random recommended videos, trying to decipher what the hell was going on with them and why the man was telling him how to change his life for the better in five simple steps.

It was unfortunate that, in your mind, you became trapped again in the process of sleep. This time, you stood before a mirror, and in that very mirror, it was again the very same image of yourself, but with grey skin, hollow eyes, blood dripping from your eyes, nose, mouth. As you looked in the mirror, you recognised this image of yourself. Again, you were dead. You lifted your hand to the mirror, tapping yourself, as your reflection tapped you back, and you looked upon yourself, as she looked back at you - you were dead. Your own reflection was informing you of your own unconscious state. And, in a fit of terrified panic, you proceeded to scream in the dream, only to look down at realise that, as you were screaming, your teeth began to crumble out of your mouth, falling into your palm and soaked in blood. Looking back up into the mirror, you were with no teeth, but empty gums - all your teeth were now in your hand. And yet, more began to fall. From goodness knows where, teeth began to fall from your mouth uncontrollably.

Consequently, even real you screamed. This was what Draco had been awaiting as he quickly shot up to you, nudging you awake and whispering to you as a reminder of reality and that you were safe. When you awoke, your eyes were flooded with your tears as your breathing fluctuated uncontrollably, matching Draco's panicked breathing.

"You're safe," he whispered, tucking your hair behind your ear. He pressed you closely against himself, providing you with warmth, safety and comfort, as you proceeded to melt into his chest and sob quietly at the realisation that, in the end, it was but a dream. What a horrible dream!

The most horrible encounter, nonetheless, was upon your return to Hogwarts when the first individual into whom you bumped into was Rowhound. He lowered his eyes at you initially, but when he noticed that it was you, he could not repress a knowing smirk, almost as though he knew more than he ought to. You were sure that, at Hogwarts, no one had been informed of recent events ... and yet, his ability to ask, "how are we feeling, Miss Potter?" informed you that he knew of the recent occurrence between you and Bellatrix, and he was not even bothering to hide it.

"Well enough," you sighed tiredly, looking at him with a glare, "I feel quite like killing someone today. Any ideas in mind?"

He clicked his tongue with a scowl. "I would suggest you watch what you say ... you never know when or who is listening," and with this he flashed you a grim smirk before turning away and leaving, continuing in the direction he was initially going, leaving you to turn and stare at him.

"Gosh ... all Death Eaters must be aware of what has happened," you said to yourself as you strolled through the castle halls, "they must all think that I am scarred terribly, unable to function. It is a shame that we must have Death Eaters in the castle ... for he will probably tell them that I am safe and sound, walking and talking as usual, and therefore attacking them will not be a surprise." You paused. "It will also give Bellatrix enough reason to return to attack me again, yet I am in no state to fight. I ought to ... take care of myself for the next couple of weeks, months ... before the end of the year. Goodness knows what will happen."

And for the next nights, you were not to sleep in the dorms. Your night terrors did not improve; thus, you were locked away in the Room of Requirement with Draco, who watched over you for as long as he could each night. It pained you dearly to have to keep him awake, and to ruin his nights, despite his pleading that he was fine and was worried for you. You refused, told him to, for the love of God, spend some nights in his bed and get a good night's sleep, but he would be stubborn and tell you he does not need to. Yet, the growing bags under his eyes and his constant yawning, inability to focus in any lessons - it all pained you more and more, until you asked your friends to spend a night with you, one at a time, for the next couple of nights, for this was the only way you believed Draco would be persuaded into sleeping in his own bed.

"Hermione agreed to for the next couple of days, and then Harry said he will take it up after her. Then, Ron said he will too. After Ron, Ginny said she will for as long as I need her, and then even Luna volunteered ... and even Neville! Then, when Blaise overheard, he even volunteered to as well. So, for the love of God, sleep in your own fucking bed, Draco."

"And you promise that they will be there? And that you will not be alone all night?"

"I promise."

He agreed eventually, and spent the next nights in his own bed. His nights were fairly restless, as he could still hear your screams at the back of his mind as they plagued him with fear and discomfort. He just wanted you to be okay and safe again, but knowing that you were somewhere out there, in a dreamland of horror, plagued with fear and images of your own death, he could not find himself relaxing. It caused his heart to tense up, as it pained him severely and caused him great affliction. Sometimes, in bed, he would think back to easier days when he could have meaningless sex with you, which transformed itself into falling in love with you - it was the best time of his life. He missed it greatly; the carefree manner in which the two of you engaged with each other and grew to love each other. Now, you were presented with so many difficulties at once, and he knew very well that it was not the end, only stabbing his heart further.

He began to question: can she truly love me after what is to happen? But, in this moment, as he stared at his ceiling in the darkness, he inhaled deeply and realised that you were right. It was time to stop doubting you. To stop doubting your love for him, or your patience, or your ability to see the good in him, for these things made you up, and by doubting them, he was doubting you. But doubting you only put a stress on both him and you, thus, closing his eyes, he breathed deeply and relaxed all his muscles. He told himself that he would endure any suffering to come, but with you by his side, it was going to be worth it and he would fight till the very end.

You and Draco would live on to live like legends. 

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