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In that respect, Snape was not really pleased at your arrival, but was nonetheless comforted. It was when Draco darted into his room, having suspected you being in there, that you and Snape almost froze in fear and only relaxed upon the realisation that it was none other than Draco. With this, however, it was time to head to work, as Draco ensured all the halls were clear when he went to pick Blaise up and helped you make your way across the house towards the large dining room, where most of the Death Eaters resided in during their free time, eating the Malfoy Manor's food, making a mess, laughing and being generally hard to stand. Narcissa was not among them, as you and Blaise remained around the corner to the dining room, seeing all the faces but scarcely recognising any.

"Why are they just sitting there? Don't they have their own houses?" Blaise whispered to you, peeking around the corner at them.

"I guess Voldemort rules and he's purposely trying to piss off the Malfoys, so he gave them permission to do whatever they want here."

"You're smart," Blaise smiled, "but I don't recognise anyone here."

"There's more of them," you said, "but they're probably away, or have their own houses. I don't see Rowhound ... or Bellatrix even, or Lucius at the moment. I suppose they've all got places to be."

"We've been here all morning and I didn't see anyone leave though," Blaise whispered.

"Well, who said they were here over night? If you take a close look ... they're all rowdy ... these are the stupid Death Eaters. Let's classify them."

"Classify them?"

"It'll be easier to decide the best way to attack each Death Eater. Let's have the ... masterminds."


"Those that are logical about their approach in fulfilling duties. They think of a plan and exercise it well. They're calm, controlled, and collected."

"I like it," Blaise grinned, "and who would be in those?"

"Voldemort, obviously. Lucius, too. I don't know anyone else's names ... but I think Rowhound too."

"Alright, next group."

"Then we have the ... crazy ones."

"And who would be in that?"


"How do we term them?"

"Full of emotions ... hatred and no empathy. The kind that you'd think to be a stupid psychopath who doesn't cover their tracks and just acts out on a whim."

"Would these be the crazy ones, then?" Blaise asked, gesturing to the rowdy Death Eaters at the table.

"Possibly ... but I think they deserve a different term. More like ... the sheep."

"The sheep?" Blaise snorted, quickly covering his mouth at the suggestion. "I do see what you mean, though," he added, noticing the Death Eaters as they laughed ridiculously, gossiping and throwing random items of the Malfoy Manor around. "I suppose we term them as ... stupid ... and following orders blindly with no thoughts of their own."


"So now we have the masterminds, the crazies, and the sheep. Which are the easiest to attack?"

"The sheep, of course."

"So, why don't we just head out and kill them all right now?"

"Because Voldemort will realise too quickly we're after his Death Eaters. And plus," you said slowly, peeking around the corner at all of them and their cackles, "there's too many of them for just the two of us."

Everlasting 2 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu