It's Okay, You're Okay

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You could have only wished for it to have turned out some other way. Yet, people experience many things, and they are all as valid. Thousands of moments against Voldemort were nothing - you were created for battle. You were created to be yourself. You were created to stand strong and be brave, and hold your head high, and fight for your beliefs. Yet, what is one to do when they are stripped from this ability? From being brave? When they have been so painfully treated? 

There is no such thing as: It wasn't even that serious. It is always that serious. If it makes you feel a way that tears you down, that makes you feel horrid and disgusting - it is serious. 

You are but a child. Still so new to the world. Made to reign and be free. 

Yet, you had lost that feeling. You felt the exposure of the real world. You felt like a possession, like an object made for one thing. And yet, you believed that shedding your emotions to the world in a situation like this were a bad idea; you feared being ridiculed. 

You're [F/n] Potter - why are you fazed? 

You're really going to let this make you feel like shit?

Wow ... now that's weak. 

You've been up against Voldemort, yet some undone buttons make you crumble down? Pathetic.

That was what you feared. And so, your lips remained sealed. You told yourself that sooner or later this feeling would pass; you would get over yourself. You would soon be as vibrant as ever. You convinced yourself that you were fine. You were your normal self, and there was nothing to worry about. Avoiding the Great Hall wasn't anything serious, obviously! You told yourself that you just didn't want to go there because it was crowded. Avoiding the Slytherin common room wasn't serious either, of course! You were never fond of Slytherins anyway! Not a big deal! And avoiding your own dorm? Your own bed? Nah, that was 'cause it was uncomfortable. Oh, skipping lessons? Nah, you just didn't care about school. It was normal. It was fine. You were fine. 

"Have you seen [F/n] recently?" Blaise asked. "I swear I haven't seen her around as much."

"Probably plotting all of our deaths," Goyle sneered. "She's a psycho, trust."

"Yeah," Blaise agreed, "but she's the psycho that can save us all. She's a psycho that's one of my best friends. Draco, have you seen her?"

"Not ... much, no," he said, ashamed of the fact that he hadn't actually inquired after your health himself. Blaise was the one to do so, and Draco felt his cheeks flush at this, indeed! Truth be told, he feared the truth. He feared knowing what had scarred you on that very night, two weeks ago. He'd noticed your disappearances, but he too convinced himself that you were just figuring out Voldemort things. 

"You're all fucking useless," Blaise scoffed, getting up from the table and leaving the Great Hall immediately. 

Blaise had found you in the Astronomy Tower in the usual spot of sadness. There you sat, swinging your legs, looking out. Your face was simple - no sign of complete sadness. Discomfort, rather.

"Oi, Potter," he smiled gently, "can I sit?"

"Of course."

He thus took a seat beside you. You turned to him, noticing how close he'd sat. You knew it was Blaise, and you knew all was okay, yet there was something tense about the manner in which you felt your personal space invaded. Instinctively, you nudged up further, away from him a little, creating a small distance. 

"You alright?" He asked, not thinking much of your moving away. 

"Yeah, I'm good. You?"

"I'm good." He paused. "You've been avoiding everyone."

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