Screaming of Torture

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As Harry lay on the ground, scarcely conscious, Bellatrix had turned towards the house with her sly and playful smirk when she caught sight of the lifeless manner in which you trembled on the sofa, tears running down your face. She barely even acknowledged Draco's existence, far too obsessed with the weakling that you had become in this instance.

And so, she made her way to the house.

Only, her intention was set back when before her appeared Lupin himself. Only seconds later did Tonks appear too, followed by Moody, followed by Shacklebolt, and before Draco knew it, most of the Order had arrived before Bellatrix and were now in a fight with her. Soon enough, Lupin had turned back to catch sight of you on the sofa, wincing in mental agony, and the despair upon Draco's face, still attempting to soothe you. Thus, Lupin ran back into the house before kneeling down quickly and taking a look at your pale face.

"What happened?" He asked Draco.

"Cruciatus Curse."

Lupin's eyes darted to Draco in horror, before quickly getting up onto his feet and lifting you up. "I'm going to take her somewhere safer," Lupin quickly said, "it seems that she did not handle it well. Almost as though ... there's been a mental strain on her."

"Wait! I need to come!"

"Stick around for now," Lupin exhaled, "go and help Harry. The rest will bring you when it's time."

Draco pursed his lips, wanting to give with you, but nonetheless nodding at Lupin. Only when Lupin disappeared into thin air, having Apparated out with you in his arms. Draco's own heart began to race at the disappearance of you, but he comforted himself with the knowledge that you were in good arms. In the meantime, he was left to panic - he knew he could not openly and actively go and help Harry in front of his aunt, for it would not go unheard of his deed. Risking Lord Voldemort finding out of his disloyalty? No - he could not do that. Too many lives would be put at risk in that moment, and thus Draco remained in the house, staring outside at the ongoing battle.

"[F/n], look at me," Lupin quickly said, sitting you down onto the sofa at Grimmauld Place, "look at me."

Weakly, you slouched in the chair and looked up at him with your blurry vision.

Lupin? Yes ... it's Lupin. Say something - speak, [F/n]. Tell him that you are fine. But am I? Am I fine? I can't feel my legs, nor my lips, I can't speak. I can't stop crying. I'm so scared.

Mrs and Mr Weasley, standing behind Lupin, could not help but feel their hearts race at the sight of you in such a state. Mrs Weasley, wishing to help somehow, ran into the kitchen and filled a glass with water before heading back to you and lifting it up to your lips, gently opening your mouth for you and allowing the water to slide down your throat.

"Remus, I've never seen the Cruciatus affect someone so harshly," Mr Weasley muttered out, staring at you in horror. "When the curse is lifted ... it tends to get better."

"I suppose so," Lupin agreed whilst also keeping his eyes on your slouched figure, "but the extent of pain varies too ... I believe if it is cast with enough skill and enough hatred ... enough meaning ... it could within seconds have the same effect that years of ordinary Cruciatus can have."

"You're saying ... she's almost in a state as though she's been tortured for years?"

"I'm not excluding that possibility," Lupin sighed, kneeling down before you and inspecting your eyes, "I think she can hear us, but she's struggling to talk to us. Is that right, [F/n]?"

Yes, I can hear you.

It was indeed difficult to get a grasp of your own body. Tears would fall helplessly, as your eyes would empty themselves of any emotions; internally you felt yourself screaming and expressing the most bizarre and painful emotions, yet externally you felt disconnected and could not quite match this.

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