The Metro Attack

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You stared at Draco before yourself, his lips lightly trembling. He wished to speak - to both you and Jack - and it appeared as though it was incredibly important, but also terrifying to Draco. He could not even get his words out, despite his mouth being open and ready, as every couple of seconds he closed it again and avoided your eyes. 

"Come on, Draco, spit it out," you said, growing frustrated at his inability to communicate. 

He sighed, ran his hand through his hair, before stopping his pacing and finally taking a seat on Jack's coffee table, before the sofa, so he was sitting directly face-to-face with you and Jack. The two of you awaited Draco's voice, for him to notify you of whatever was plaguing his mind. Jack was far less confused than you; he actually kind of suspected what Draco was due to say, but he nonetheless felt his own frustration grow as he wished to get it over and done with. 

"You are going to meet Potter today?"

"Harry? Yes." 

"Yes ... well," he paused, gulping. He finally set his eyes directly on yours, his entire attention on your focused eyes as he gazed into them longingly. "What I've been wanting to tell you is that ... after a lot of difficult thought ... I've decided that I'm coming with you." 

You stared at him, slightly taken aback by the sudden revelation. Jack, on the other hand, did not bat an eye but only smiled lightly a knowing smile as he felt this victory and attributed it to himself. He understood that his words had lingered in Draco's mind and clearly had an effect on him. Whilst there you sat, surprised, as you shifted in your seat slightly backwards, attempting to get into a comfortable position where you could process Draco's words.

"But ... you may get caught."

"Then so be it."

"Draco ... but that's dangerous."

"Then so be it."

"Then so be it?"

"I've thought about it!" He exclaimed. "If we're together ... then we're more likely to get anything done. You're not worrying about me, I'm not worrying about you ... and when I was thinking about it ... I remembered how much of a good team we are. Remember your tasks? We got them done together. When we're together, we can really do anything."

"And your parents?" You asked with glassy eyes, shifting to the edge of your seat where you could easily grasp Draco's hand and hold it within your own. At the touch of your hand, he relaxed and placed his other hand on top of yours, soothing it with his thumb. 

"My mother will love me and you, as she already does. She believes in us. As for my father ... I don't know, but I couldn't care less. I love you, and if he loves me, he'll learn to accept it." 

"Clearly ... you're the insane one, not me," you cried out, launching yourself off the sofa and into his arms, where you hugged him tightly on the table. 

He immediately accepted your body within his own, hugging you tightly and pressing his lips softly against the tip of your head. Jack was left to watch, as he smiled proudly, feeling almost like a proud father; a figure that everyone took on around the recklessness of you and Draco. 

"We're in this together."

"But when Blaise and I go to get the Death Eaters ... what will you do?"

"Whatever you need me to do. I can come with you ... I know them, I know where to find them and their weak spots." 

"My God, I think I love you."

"You think?" He laughed.

"Of course I love you!" You exclaimed with laughter, wrapping him within your arms again tightly. "We'll get through it together! But ... are you sure you're ready? To turn on them all?"

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