Shower Before Work

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Alone in Draco's room with Blaise, the two of you stared at each other with light smiles, feeling ultimately relaxed and overjoyed at the pleasant atmosphere of the room. Draco himself was in a splendid mood, which was satisfactory enough for the two of you.

"I wish someone loved me the way he loves you," Blaise said, laughing.

"Yes ... he's quite amazing, isn't he?"

"He is. I've missed him. He better be back for the seventh year, or else I'm fucking off from Hogwarts."

At this, Draco had returned and quickly closed the door behind himself, locking it immediately. He was dressed in a shirt and some comfy trousers as he entered with a bottle of water and some snacks which he'd filled his pockets with. Blaise was ecstatic when he caught sight of this, and Draco smiled as he passed him the snacks, and you the water upon request. He thus sat back down on the bed beside you before, with a grin, grabbing your body and pulling you over to himself as he encompassed you entirely within his arms, your back against his front, as he straddled you completely and began to slowly and gently kiss your neck.

Blaise had grown so invested in his snacks, facing the desk where he spread them out excitedly, choosing which to pick out as his stomach rumbled, allowing Draco to smirk and begin to lightly suck on your soft skin as quietly as he could, as his hands began to trail up and down your body as he remained behind you on the bed. He grabbed your skin, your chest, before slowly trailing his hands downstairs as his face remained within your neck. This you did not allow, taking a hold of his hand and stopping it before it could trail under your sport leggings.

"I want to fuck you so bad," he whispered out in a frustrated groan, forgetting entirely of Blaise's presence as he melted completely into your body and the crook of your neck which he'd buried himself in.

"No," you whispered out against him as well with as much self-control as possible, finding it incredibly difficult to hold back and stop him when you yourself felt just as bad.


"Because - " You gestured towards Blaise.

"He can fuck off."

"Or join in."

"As if I'd ever let another man touch you," he whispered in his hoarse groan, tightening his grip around you as he trailed one hand back down towards your thighs, rubbing it on the inside. "I already fucking hate it enough when they look at you for more than two seconds."

"Period," you sang out in a whisper, laughing. Your laughter only inspired Draco to laugh quietly as well, tightening his grip even more as he pressed you into himself, groaning in the process as his face remained buried in your neck. "Stop, it's torture."

"Blaise," Draco finally called out, lifting himself from your neck with a loud exhale. "I'm going for a shower before you guys start doing all your Death Eater stuff."

"Okay? Why do I care?" Blaise asked, turning around and not being at all surprised to see the manner in which Draco straddled you.

"Because you won't be able to do anything until I'm done."

"I'm doing it with Potter, not you. You don't have to be there for us to spy."

"No, but she does, and she's coming with me."

Blaise pursed his lips, suddenly understanding as he lowered his head in defeat and smiled weakly, shaking his head. "Alright, alright, I see what you did there."

And so quickly were you swept off the bed, back on your own two feet as Draco's hand gripped your wrist tightly, pulling you behind himself into the bathroom of his room. His heart fluttered completely at the knowledge of having you all to himself now as he headed straight into the bathroom, slamming the door behind himself carelessly and not bothering to lock it, for he knew that there was no risk of anyone coming in as Blaise did not want to be scarred. However, Blaise did flinch when he heard something slam in the bathroom, which was yourself as Draco had immediately slammed you forcefully against the wall, leaving no second to take a hold of your lips within his own.

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