Pancakes and Whipped Cream for Rosie

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The most beautiful part of waking up every morning is to be able to feel the warmth of Chaeyoung's naked body snuggled close to me as I open my eyes.

But as I reached for her side this morning, I was surprised that her spot was empty and she's already gone.

I groggily peeked from my alarm clock at the bedside table with just one eye open only to find that it's only just 5 in the morning.

"Where could she be in this early morning?"I wondered as I fight myself not to return to sleep.  With just my robes on, I decided to head towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and went outside Chaeyoung's room to look for her. We decided to stay at her house since her Mom is staying with Alice in Seoul for a week.

"Chaeyoung -Ah?" I called her while heading down the stairs.

"I'm in the kitchen Love." I heard her sweet voice called me which made me smile unconsiously. I don't know why but whenever I see her or hear her voice, my expressions automatically lift up.

It has always been like that.

Chaeyoung is my happy pill.

Always had been..And always will be.

"Babe I woke up with out you there." I said pouting as I tug my silk night robes closer for warmth. Now I regretted why I didn't put any clothes within. I'm completely naked underneath since Chaeyoung and I usually sleep naked.

"Oh.. Did the cold wake you up?" she cooed worriedly with her arms wrapping around me, earning me a warm hug that gave me an instant relief.

"Chaeyoung-Ah. You know I hate waking up with out you." I said still pouting my lips which she returned with a long passionate kiss. She then released soft giggles between our kiss the moment she noticed me hitched my breath for a moment.

Well can you blame me?

I mean have you seen how beautiful my girlfriend is?

Being kissed by Roseanne Park is really life altering.

That's how immaculate and quintessential the experience is.

It will always leave you breathless and craving for more.

"So will this suffice for everything?" she whispered seductively after pulling away from the kiss which left me smiling stupidly still mesmerized by her.
She chuckled softly and returned her attention towards the stove.

"Love isn't it too early to cook breakfast?" I asked while watching her from the stool I was sitting beside the island counter. She was checking the pot then carefully put the lid and turn her attention at the familiar cookbook.

"I'm cooking your fave stew Lisa. Well Mom and I had been studying your Mom's recipe for over a month now. Hope this one will give justice to your Mom's amazing recipe." she said sheepishly avoiding my gaze. I look at her lovingly, still whipped at her sweet gesture. I didn't know that she really meant it when she told me that she'll try to learn Mom's recipes cause she knew how badly I missed her home cooked meals. I walked towards her and seized her in a hug.

"Babe, you know, I always wonder what did I do right to deserve someone like you in my life." I confessed with all sincerity while tracing her beautiful face with my fingers. She smiled sheepishly as she look down avoiding my gaze but I titled her chin and planted soft heartfelt kisses in her lips which made her smile instantly.

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