A Promise of Love

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"Chaeng-ah are you all done there?"

"I'm going to fetch you now." I called smiling on the speaker of my phone. I planned a spa day for her as a birthday gift so she could unwind and release all her stress by just relaxing for the whole day. It's also a diversion for her so I could perfectly execute all my plans for later with out her getting all suspicious.

"Yah-Lisa I'm almost done now, where are you?" she asked in bright tone from the other line.

"Looks like someone's really excited to see me. Don't worry Babe, I'm on my way to you now." I teased her which made Chaeng giggle softly.

"Silly, I'm always excited to see you. Come up here now I'm excited to show you my new look. I dyed my hair by the way."

"Woah, so it's not Blondsé anymore?" I asked quite curious. Chaeyoung chuckled again at my antics.

"Is it Redsé again?" I asked teasingly.

"Nope. Sorry to disappoint you Love but it's not Redsé." she chuckled again and I can almost visualize her rolling her eyes at my addiction and fondess over her red hair before.

"Then what is it?" I asked giving up in guessing.

"Well come on in an instant so you'll see for yourself." Chaeyoung mumbled seductively in her Aussie accent which made me stepped harder on the accelator and my car jumped forward in highspeed.

"Give me 5 minutes and I'll be there before you know it." I uttered smiling on the speaker.

"Okay Love. Hey, I can hear your car roaring, don't drive too fast okay?"

"I need you whole and safe for our dinner later." she asked gravely at me, making me smile from ear to ear.

"Noted Love. I'll drive safely. See you. I'll end this call now."

"Saranghae." I told her before ending my call. It took me less than 5 minutes to arrive and parked in front of the spa salon that I brought her earlier.

There I saw Chaeyoung, walking out from the building, flashing that exquisite smile. Her smile is so beautiful that even all the wonders of the world would be no match against her beauty.

Yeah, that's how heavenly her smile is..

I can still remember meeting her for the first time..

It's the same feeling I got the moment I witnessed how breath-takingly beautiful her smile is.

It would make you forget all the madness and cruelty of the world.

For her smile is the epitome of sunlight.

It's blinding..

It's overwhelming that it would instantly wrap you with so much warmth that for the first time, you will feel so much alive.

Yeah. That's what I always feel whenever I see her smile.

I may be the hottest, but Chaeyoung is like the sun that her hotness would easily overpower mine.

I watched my girlfriend walked giddily from afar.

I love how she make that small hop steps whenever she's happy and excited. She's so fuckin hot and sexy but in reality she's just like a cute adorable baby that sometimes it makes me go crazy.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyWhere stories live. Discover now