Unwanted Return

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"Come on Chu. You can do it." I mumbled through gritted teeth as I turn my full attention at the pile of plushies inside the claw machine. I spun the joystick a couple of times prompting the claw to move from right to left and finally hit the button once I had my target aimed. The claw automatically plunged down as it scooped from the pile of plush toys but to my disappointment, it lifted up empty handed.

I entered another quarter again but to my utter annoyance it was a failed attempt again.

"Jeez. This stupid claw machine is really getting into my nerves." I cursed inaudibly making sure my wife won't be able to hear me whining. One thing I feared the most is making my pregnant wife disapointed.

"Damn. Why does she even want that white rabbit plush toy anyway?"

"Am I not even enough for her?

"I'm even the cutest rabbit in the whole damn world for crying out loud."

"Why would she even need another one?" I mumbled whining at myself as I enter another quarter but to my annoyance it slipped from the claw again.

"Damn." I uttered through gritted teeth.

I suddenly turned my gaze at my wife who's forehead was leaning closely at the enclosed glass staring dissapointedly at her desired prize.

I even talked her out  of getting for another prize instead but Jennie was adamant. She said she badly wanted that plush toy and she will not settle for anything else.

I heaved a deep sigh and leaned closer at my wife who's beautiful cat eyes are now welling up with tears.

"Hey don't lose hope. Promise, I'll get it for you okay?" I said assuringly at her as I wipe the beads of tears that are starting to form in her beautiful eyes.

Gosh. I'm at my last straw of patience with this stupid claw machine that all I really wanted right now is to just kick it hard.

But all my annoyance just melted into whipped smile the moment I saw Jennie giving me that cute pleading eyes.

Seriously, can you still be annoyed when you're staring at this adorable human being?

I mean, have you seen her round cat eyes?

And God look at that cute pout and that pleading look.

Will you be able to say no from that heavenly sight?

For 10 years that I've known Jendeuk, I came to notice that this kind of talent of hers has been her secret weapon against me whenever she wants my attention or she wants something from me.

And I must admit, it's very effective and foolproof.

Jeez. I just pray that our Little Jensoo would not get that same talent from her Mom cause I swear, I don't know what I could do if my precious little one would cast me that same adorable pleading look.

Jeez I might even buy the entire fuckin Toy Store for her.

"Hon I really want that cute rabbit plushy." I heard Jennie uttered demandingly. She pouts again and casts an aching look at the cute stuffed toy.

"Okay okay. We'll get it for you Hon I promise." I assured her while pinching her puffy cheeks.

"I'll just have our money changed into coins okay? Please wait for me here Hon." I instructed her which Jennie responded with her now satisfied smile.
I walked towards Chaeyoung and Lisa who at the moment was having an intense betting war with each other at the car racing game machine and from the looks of it, Lisa was leading the race.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyWhere stories live. Discover now