Unfinished Business

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"Congratulations Mrs. Park. It was nice doing business with you." the tall middle aged man beamed as they concluded the deal with a firm handshake. He was striking and charming but there was something in him that makes Lisa somewhat unease. The man finally stood up and handed the signed documents to his lawyer which the latter examined and handed over to Lisa's lawyer and real state broker.

"It's our pleasure doing business with you Mr. Lee. My lawyer together with our agents, will handle the transfer of real estate deed. Again, Thank you very much for closing the deal with us." Lisa answered flashing her business smile. She then took a box from her agent and generously offered it to the middle aged man.

"Please accept this as our token of gratitude. It's Château Cheval Blanc. Miss Cho mentioned that you like wines." Lisa uttered positively as she scans the man's impressed reaction.

"My, my. What a very impressive wine you have here. Thank you very much Mrs. Park. I've been looking for this one for a while now, but sadly there's only few ones here in Korea and most of it were sold out." Mr. Lee responded. His eyes gleamed with astonishment as he carefully scans the bottle of wine.

" You wouldn't mind if I ask you this, right? But where did purchase this one?" He asked curiously as he stares at the wine like it's some kind of precious artifact.

"Oh. I didn't purchase that Mr. Lee. It's one of my wine collections that I have at home." Lisa answered shortly.

"You collect wines? How fascinating." the man answered giving Lisa an impressed look which the latter responded with light chuckles.

"It's really my late Dad's collection. He was a Master Chef and a Restaurateur in Thailand and he had this vast collection of rare and finest wines in the world." Lisa answered non-chalantly and you'll see the Mr. Lee's eyes grew bigger from what he just heard.

"Are you perhaps the only daughter of Master Chef Marco Brüschweiler? I can see the resemblance." he suddenly asked snapping his fingers.

"Yes. Mr. Lee. Are you acquainted with my Dad?" Lisa responded now beaming. It always makes her smile whenever someone recognizes her late Dad.

"Ofcourse. We used to fly to Thailand just to meet and experience your Dad's famous cuisines." He said proudly, leaving Lisa smiling warmly at him.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me Mr. lee." she said sincerely.

"I heard a member of the royal family was the one who acquired your business in Thailand, am I right?" he asked with curiosity which Lisa confirmed with a few nods.

"Yes Mr. Lee. Actually, they're my Dad's closest friend and business partner that's why I accepted their offer to take over the business. I know they're the best people to continue my Dad's legacy." she answered smiling.

"If I were you, I wouldn't sell my company to others. " The man uttered tactlessly and you'll see Alice's features hardened at the unsolicited advice. She glanced at her sister in-law but Lisa just smiled at her, assuring her that she's fine with it.

"You're not the first person to say that Mr. Lee. But like what I always tell them, it's better to leave the business to the people who put their heart in it. You don't just keep something to yourself just because they're rightfully yours. I want my Dad's legacy to continue, but we never share the same dream and aspiration, so I passed it to the people who has the heart and the drive to do that. They have the vision for the company that I don't possess so it's only fitting to sell part of my shares to them not because of money but because I want what my dad started to prosper. It's better to leave it to the people who can expertly manage than for me to keep it to myself and watch a great legacy crumble down." Lisa answered in her stoic look and the two agents beside her can't help but be mesmerized at her answer while Alice smiled proudly at her.

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