While You Were Sleeping

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"Lili. Wake up. It's been two days already."

"Come on, wake up now."

"You have a wedding to plan and prepare."  I painfully whispered at her as I caressed her right hand gently, trying to stir her from her sleep but Lisa would still remain unresponsive.

Even the loud beeping noises from the machines and alarms that were attached to her body wouldn't even stir her from her sleep.

She's literally like Sleeping Beauty.

But in her case, it's the ventilator that's keeping her alive, not true love's kiss.

If only life could just be as simple as Disney movies.

I guess we will all have our happy endings.

"Wake up Lili. I have something important to tell you."

"It's not yet confirmed but I want you and Chaeyoung to be the first ones to know once Chu and I got the result." I whispered at her lovingly.

"Please fight a little harder this time Lili"

"You and Chaeyoung.. You have to fight harder okay?" I mumbled as I try to wipe my tears but it kept on gushing out anyway.

It's been two days since Lisa was put in a coma.

And in those span of time, her condition doesn't seem to improve.


"Mrs. Kim we have no choice but to put her into medically induced coma." the doctor finally announced with a heavy heart the moment he stepped out of the operating room and guide us in his office. They have managed to stitched the open wounds in her scalp that she obtained from the accident. The cut was deep enough that it pierced through her skull.

"The patient suffers a traumatic head injury from the accident and based on the scans that we've conducted it shows a significant swelling of the brain on this part." he stated as he points out the result of Lisa's CT scan which shows a visible crack in her cranial bone.

But don't worry, the crack will eventually heal on its own."

The problem however, lies in the swelling here." he said as he points at the scan result. I can't help but cover my mouth as I gasped in fear seeing how bad the test results were.

I've been in this same situation for so many times that I almost lost count on the number of times that Lisa almost died due to accident or any other cause, but this, this is by far is her worst.

And it scares me to death knowing that somehow, she would not make it this time.

"The swelling puts pressure on her brain which can reduce blood flow and oxygen supply that causes brain tissue damage. When the brain swells, the fluid pushes up against the skull restricting the supply of blood to the brain that can cause severe complications.  A lack of oxygen in the brain can either damage her brain cells or cause her to die." the doctor continued with his explanation but everything seemed vague to me.

It's really hard to focus knowing the kind of situation Lisa is right now.

"So what do you mean to say Doctor? And what does it has to do with putting her in coma?"  I asked him still having a hard time comprehending everything he was telling me about. The doctor heaved a deep sigh and answered with such patience.

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