Crashing Worlds

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They say that in your final moments, your life passes before your eyes.

They say that at the moment of reckoning, you'll see your  life flashing before your eyes — your entire past spooling out before you, a replay of all the most significant moments.

But in my case, it's far different from that.

All I saw was the fear in Chaeyoung's eyes as she run towards the road to save her Mom.

She ran as fast as she could that she had managed to push her on the side of the road just in time but the car was too fast that she has no time to run away.

She ran as fast as she could that she had managed to push her on the side of the road just in time but the car was too fast that she has no time to run away

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"Chaeyoung!" I shouted as I reach for her

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"Chaeyoung!" I shouted as I reach for her. She turn around and with much horror, she found me already in front of her as I lunge towards her just in time before the car even reach her.

I instinctively wrapped my arms around her as I made her turn away, shielding my body against the speeding car.

Everything went fast.

But when you're at the edge of dying, your last moment will turn out slow.

I saw that look in your face as you turn to look at the speeding car and at me.

There I saw, your fear and regret.

I felt the rapid beating of your heart as I held you tighter.

Your warm breath that brushes through my neck as I wrap my arms around your back and your head.

God I just wish that I could still have more time holding you like that.

I regretted that I didn't kissed you back the last time you said goodbye.

How I wish I could have enough time so to save you and protect you from this..

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyWhere stories live. Discover now