New Hope.

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"Hey, we're here." Jisoo said softly which brought us all from our senses. We've been too pre-occupied the whole trip that we didn't even notice that we finally get there. I felt Lisa's body suddenly flinched which she easily recovers as she look down at the box she's holding in her lap. It was a medium sized antique rosewood, hand-crafted box with intricate designs and carvings.

There was a written latin phrase at the lid of the box that says:

"Aegroto dum anima est, spes est~Erasamus"

I traced the carved out phrases with my fingers as I read the unfamiliar words when Lisa suddenly speak.
"It means as long as there is life there is hope."she said smiling while staring at the box.

"Mom gave it to me as a gift before my graduation." she said as she ran her fingers at it.

The two Unnies looked at her with a hint of concern and sadness..

"Lili, are sure about it?" it was Jennie, looking quite distressed and concerned. But Lisa smiled at her and nodded. There's something new about her smile now that Jennie can't quite figure out easily.

For it was the first time in the long while that she saw Lisa smile like that.

Her eyes glistened with hope..

"I've been running away from it for so many years now Jen-jen." Lisa said as she shook her head.

"I know you've tried for countless of times before and I would always end up much more miserable, and I know, you and Jisoo Unnie both endured a lot because of me..

"I don't want any of that anymore..." Lisa whispered sadly..

I don't want you to get stuck with your life because you have to keep up with someone who can't even move on in her life.

It's not fair..
for me...especially for you guys...

"And I'm sorry.."

"For hurting you over and over..."
"For breaking your heart countless times whenever I succumb to my condition."
It always break my heart whenever I see you cry because of me."

"Especially you Jennie."

"You've suffered a lot because of me." Lisa said with full of regrets.

And you're right..
You and Jisoo Unnie, you are the only family I have and I shouldn't hold on to something that was already gone and lost."

It's time to open my eyes to the people who chose to stay and never left.

So we can move forward.

"I don't want to live my life running away from the truth.. It's time that I finally have to accept it.."

Lisa then paused and look down at the box she was holding. She stared at it as she wipe her tears.

"For once, I just want to finally be free." she smiled bitterly as she turn her gaze at the two woman in the front seat.

"Maybe I'll be able to make it now."

And if don't, I'll be back here again to try..

Until it hurts less...

I'm doing it this time for myself...

"For the sake of my last remaining sanity.." she said with finality in her voice and that's the only thing the three of us needed to hear from her to finally put away the anxieties that's been clouding up our minds since this morning.

Jennie can't help but tear up the moment she heard those from Lisa. For the past 10 years, she'd been wishing for this day that she'll be able to see and hear her like this.

That finally, the girl she used to love will finally heal and return to the positive and vibrant Lisa that she knew.

"I'm so proud of you kid." Jisoo uttered at her as she look at her with so much love and pride. She look at us and her eyes welled up with tears.

The three of us held her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before we head out of the car.

But the moment was suddenly cut off when Lisa held her chest right off and her smile suddenly faltered.

I look at them and there I saw the sudden panic in Jennie's eyes. She looked at me helplessly and nodded.
And with out talking, I just knew what she meant.

It was the bitch they were talking about.

"Hey Babe, look at me." I said as I cupped her face and stared at her lovingly.

"You are greater than this. Never ever forget about that."
Lucilda will never ever harm your thoughts again because you are surrounded by people who loves you and will always be here to fight with you in all your battles.

"You just have to open your eyes Love so you can see." I said smiling.

"Just be brave there okay?" I uttered encouragingly.

"Remember the night you told me at the parking lot?

"The best thing you could give to your Dad is to be able to stand tall in front of him and tell him that you survived all of it."

"I know you'll make him proud Babe." I said smiling as I raise her chin and  kiss her lips lovingly. She stared at me at smiled sheepishly.

"How did you know about...Lucilda..?"Lisa asked shyly. She looked at the two Unnies which only nodded in response.

"It doesn't matter Babe. We'll put that bitch out of your chest for good." I assured her while running the back of my finger in the bridge of her nose. It's my favorite thing to do to her besides, kissing..

I leaned closely at her chest which made her flinched a little.

"Hey Lucilda." I whispered,  as if talking to someone inside her chest.

"I'm Chaeyoung and I'm a jealous person so I'm telling you to better back your ass off from my girlfriend here cause I'm claiming her heart now.." I said with utmost sincerity.

Lisa just stared at me with a huge smile plastered on her face looking like a cute flustered puppy while the two Unnies just giggled and smirk at her reaction.

"You're my girlfriend?" Lisa asks coyly, her smile unwavering.

"I nodded at her and kissed her lips once again.
That's the thing we'll look forward to Love, once we're all healed and moved on." I said assuringly

"But you can call me your future girlfriend cause I love the sound of it." I chuckled which earned her soft giggles.

"Future girlfriend sounds nice to me." Lisa responded smiling from ear to ear.

"So., do you think you can handle everything now?" I asked her carefully. Lisa then took a deep breath and nods.

"Yeah. I think I can handle it now." she said as she looked at the three of us with hope and fire in her eyes.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyWhere stories live. Discover now