Torn In-between

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"I thought she has an amanesia?"

"Oh they're very much still together!"

"Ofcourse they still are. They are engaged remember?!"

"But she has an amnesia, right? And based from what I heard she can't remember Dr. Park."

"What amnesia are you talking about? That bullshit only happens in movies, stupid." a guy butted in at the flock of students near us. These are the things that you will hear from the constant murmurings of the people the moment we stepped in the University Building. Students and even staffs included can't help but to crane their neck and ogle at our direction just to have a good look at us.

I held Lisa's tensed hand and gave it a gentle squeeze which she responded with a grateful smile.
I knew Lisa well and from that look in her face I can clearly see how uncomfortable and frightened she is right now.

"Love, just relax and don't mind them okay? They're not just used to seeing such beauty like yours." I chuckled at her while fixing her favorite cap which made Lisa blush all of a sudden.

She really likes it whenever Lisa responds to her just like that.

I always find it too adorable since it was always the other way around between the two of them. Everyone knows how much of a tease and playful my fiancé is. But have you seen her all so whipped just like this?

Gosh, it's the most adorable sight to see.

I really love seeing this new side of her being all too submissive and flustered.

"Love?" Lisa mumbled calling my attention. I was not aware that I was staring dreamily at her while fixing her cap and her checkered brown coat. Lisa smiled sheepishly as she look around and found everyone still watching their every move.

"Oh don't mind them Lisa-yah." I chuckled at her recalling the first time we went out together. They were standing on the exact same spot and it's exactly just like this.

"Don't you know that on the first time we went out together, we actually pretended to be dating so that people around here would finally stop asking me out on a date?" I whispered at her which suddenly changed Lisa's demeanor. She looked around and found all the guys looking intently at our direction which made Lisa to intuitively wrap her right arm around my shoulder as we walk.

"So....Did you go on a date with someone then?" she asked cooly pretending to act unbothered but her jealous face clearly says it all.

"Well, they've been asking me on a date for over a year but then there's this someone who came out of nowhere and all of a sudden she asked me out on a date."

"And it only took that person just a second for me to say yes." I uttered chuckling at Lisa's annoyed face. She litterally has no clue that she's the one I was talking about.

"Jealous now , Love?" I asked teasingly which Lisa reaponded with an eyeroll.

"Relax. I was taking about you. Lisa. You're the only one I dated in my entire life."

"Yeah that's how whipped I was at you Lisa. And even until now I still am." I admitted sheepishly which made Lisa to unconsciously release that signature smirk that she used to wear. She then stared at me and kissed me in my forehead as we walk towards the faculty room leaving all of our expectators feeling all envious.

"Gosh. All the pretty girls here are already taken by pretty girls too." A student from afar uttered a little jealous.

"First it was Dr. Kim with Miss Kim. Then just last month I learned that my all time crush suddenly got engage with Dr. Park." A female student whined frustratedly.

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