Slow Loris

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"So you mean to say, that girl, Cho Ha Eun was your rival in high school?" Nayeaon asked inquisitively while she threw a few glances at the new acquaintance who at the moment was sharing a deep conversation with Chaeyoung and Jessi at the dining table. Most of their friends were now having a casual drink on the living room since it was a celebration for Lisa's successful property deal.

"Oh please Yeon, rival isn't even the right term for that since she's not even at my level." Jennie answered sipping her champagne. She looked at Ha Eun's direction and her eyes can't help but squints,  scrutinizing the woman's every move. Her friends threw each other knowing looks since it was rare for Jennie to act that way most especially that it's not about Jisoo.

"Care to tell us why you're being like that Jen? You looked like a jealous girlfriend, seriously." Jihyo can't help but to utter with a stifled laugh. She took the tall glass from Mina and instantly grimaced the moment she tasted the cocktail mixed which she had mistaken for a peach juice. Her grimaced look suddenly melted when she felt small hands tugged the hem of her dress and found little Haruka, Momo's three-year old kid, asking her to be carried.

"Yah! As if I would be jealous over that snake, I mean fake." 

"I'm just worried about Chaeyoung cause that girl is a two-faced lying bitch." Jennie answered with a huff and you'll hear Irene chortled hard at her cousin's comment.

"Jen-jen, you still haven't let go of that past. Well if I were in your shoes I would also react the same way. I mean she once threatened you before right? What do you used to call her? I can't remember." Irene asked still laughing over her cousin's bitchiness.

"She's a fuckin Slow Loris" Jennie answered through gritted teeth.

"What's the hell is a slow loris?" Yeri blurted with furrowed eyebrows, still not getting what her friends were talking about.

"Slow loris are the only venomous primates. They are deceptively cute. They may look harmless, but a slow loris can pack a gnarly bite laced with venom powerful enough to rot flesh. -hold on, is that a cookie? can I have some Aunt Irene?" a cute voice suddenly interjected that Jennie almost jolted from where she stood. They looked down and saw Rosie joining their conversation while munching the cookies that she just got from Irene. She grinned at her Aunts and then continued sharing the details about the darn animal. 

" Don't you know that a bite from a loris is no joke? They have glands underneath their armpits that ooze noxious oil, and when they lick those glands, their saliva combines with the oil to concoct the venom. It fills into their grooved canines, which then deliver a grisly bite strong enough to pierce through bone. The imbued venom causes the victim's flesh to rot away, and some lorises have even been seen with half their faces melted off." Rosie recited with out pausing, causing Wendy and Joy to clap and give her an applause.

"Jeez, Rosie, where did you learn all of that? You're like a walking encyclopedia just like your Mommy Chaeng." Irene can't help but praise the grinning kid and peppered her with kisses.

"Yay, it tickles, Aunt Irene.." Rosie giggled from her kisses and finally clung to her like a tiny Koala. Her gaze darted at little Haruka who was still being carried by her Aunt Jihyo and shared the cookie with her.

"I learned that from Mom's book collections. She had loads of those in the study room and I enjoyed reading it when I'm bored. I guess Aunt Yeri should join me sometimes so she can learn a lot too." Rosie commented innocently while she playfully squishes Irene's cheeks and kissed the latter in her nose while Yeri let out a soft gasp as if she was offended, causing her friends to laugh out loud.

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