The Crackhead Lines and the Battle of the Visuals

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"So what's the occassion today?"
Seulgi asked them the moment she joined them for lunch. She then sat next to Irene who instantly turned into Koala mode as she giddily wrap her arms around her smiling girlfriend. Everyone's already there now and was waiting for their announcement.

"Yah it better be good cause you woke us up so early for this one Chu." Jeongyeon complained still sleepy. She then stretched her arms up and yawned shamelessly.

"Dude it's already noon. And why are you still on your pajamas? Jeez you didn't even shower before going here."

"Look there's still a trace of drool in the corner of your mouth." Chae uttered laughing at the towering woman as she wipe the side of her Unnie's mouth with her thumb.

"Well this turd said that it's an emergency that's why I went straight here." Jeongyeon said defensively the moment she saw all their friends laughing at her.

"Risky risky wiggy wiggy."

"This is an emergency." Chae sang unconsciously all of a sudden while Mina just sat awkwardly at her side, having a hard time supressing her laughter.

"Dude. Where the fuck did you get that?" Jeongyeon asked half laughing and bewildered at her weird song lyrics.

"You and Chu shouldn't be seated together."

"Jeez. You and your self composed songs are really something else." she whined giving the short, wide-eyed girl an eyeroll. Jennie who was silently watching their exchange of conversations kept on laughing at them with utter amusement. Jisoo then cleared her throat signalling them that she's about to drop the news.

"We just got from our check up and Jennie just have her ultrsaound guys." Jisoo excitedly announced, ignoring the bickering saga between the two. She then paused for a moment and grinned at them, earning her groan of annoyance from their friends.

"Come on Chu. Don't keep us hanging here. Yeon didn't even shower for this one." Nayeon bantered smirking earning her a smack on the head with the pillow that Jeongyeon threw at her.

"Yah, I told you already, I'm gonna shower here." Yeon whined giving her girlfriend a threatening glare. Nayeon was about to hit back when Tzuyu finally spoke which halted them off from killing each other.

"Jeez. Would you guys stop bickering for once?"

"You are ruining their moment." Tzuyu shot them an exasperated look which instantly stopped them from their silly antics.

"Right. Sorry. Go on." Jeongyeon uttered appologetically while scratching her head. Jennie and Jisoo then looked at each other and a radiant smile finally flashed on their beautiful faces.

"Well, it's a girl."

"Baby Jensoo is a girl." They both dropped the happy news which earned them a loud shriek of excitement from all of their friends.

"Congratulations Jen-Jen, Chu!" Irene welcomed them both in a tight hug and kissed her cousin out of joy which was then followed by all of their friends.

"Now I can finally choose what to buy for my God daughter."

"Jagiya, we'll go shopping tonight for little Jensoo okay?" Irene uttered smiling at Seulgi who at the moment was discreetly handing Jeongyeon her winning money from their stupid bet. And from that annoyed look in her face, it seems likes she lost a huge amount of money from her.

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