Safe Haven

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"So....." I said awkwardly trying to come up with a topic but I can't.. I was never good with words..

All of our friends have already left the Café and here we are, sitting next to each other, smiling stupidly, both avoiding each other's gaze.

I took a deep breath and and stared at her.

"Chaeng...."she shifted her gaze at me waiting for what I was about to say.

" Chaeng I'm sorry about being insensitive there earlier. My questions were too personal. I'm really sorry." I said in a hushed tone.

She stared at me for a while and smiled.

"It's okay Lisa. I was just caught off guard with that question." she said as she unconsciously ran her fingers at her cup, making twirling motion.

" The truth is, most people I knew often ask me that. The problem is I don't really know the answer to that anymore.." she said bitterly.

It was the first time I saw Chaeng like that.

Lost and broken.

"Are you running away from something?" I braved asking.

She just look at me and smiled bitterly.

"I don't know. I guess I am." she said looking down.

"That's what most people do. Right?"
"We run away from the things that hurt us."she smiled bitterly.

I froze as I look at her, stunned at her last words.
Her words suddenly hit me cause that's exactly what my life had been for the past years.

"What happened Chaeng? I know there is.

She just look at me and returned her gaze at her cup.
I do understand if she can't answer me right now. There are things in life that are too painful to bear that you just choose to forget or ignore.

"Funny." I said changing the topic.

She look at me again, waiting for what I was about to say.

"I was actually trying to start a casual conversation  with you earlier but I gues I failed miserably."
"I guess I was never good at that part." I said as I shook my head smiling.

She chuckled at my confession. Good thing her mood lightens a bit.

"Oh really?" she teased with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah I was actually complimenting you at that part when I asked you about your work but I guess it was a disaster." I chuckled.

"Besides, I really want to know you." I said with utmost sincerity.

"I met you numerous times before but we never got the chance to talk and know each other well." I said sincerely.

She eyed me carefully and smiled.

"Well, why don't we put it this way. we can ask questions about our personal life then it's up to us if we'll answer it or not." she said as she sip her tea.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ