Singing Lisoo

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"Chaeyoung-Ah! Lisa-yah!" we heard Jisoo screamed in delight the moment she saw us emerged from the private plane outside the hangar. Alice and Mom had already head out and got in on a seperate car since they'll be staying here in Seoul for days.

Alice still has a lot of things to settle here first before moving with us to Seongnam.

"Oh God we missed you guys!" Jisoo Unnie uttered almost teary eyed while giving us a super thight hug that we desperately break away from.

"Unnie don't squeeze Chaeyoung." I whined at her but Jisoo just gave us a toothy grin and wrapped us in hug one more time.

"Chu Honey, give them some air to breathe." We heard Jennie chuckled from the back and our eyes suddenly went wide when we finally saw her small baby bump that was now visible in her tummy.

"Oh gosh Jen-Jen, your baby bump is visible now" Chaeyoung mumbled excitedly at her which Jen responded with a gummy smile.

"Yeah it's becoming bigger and heavier now." she chuckled carressing her tummy.  I walked towards her and knelt down carressing her small baby bump.

"Hello baby. Wow you're growing too fast."

"I see you've grown bigger now."

"Don't worry, you'll have your new playmate now. You'll meet her soon."

"I'm pretty sure you're gonna love." I whispered at her tummy which made the couple stood frozen for a moment.
"Is it what I think it is, Lisa?" Jennie suddenly asked while eyeing us carefully. She then shifted her gaze at Chaeyoung who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah Jen-Jen. And we would like to tell it to you first in person guys." I responded beaming.

"Chaeyoung is pregnant now!" I answered giddily at them which caused the two Unnies to shriek happily at us and seized us in a group hug.

"Oh jeez Chaeng-ah, Lili, we're so happy for you!" the couple both uttered teary eyed and kissed us in our cheeks.

"This is one of the best news I've heard so far, besides the news of my wife getting pregnant.." Jisoo mumbled beaming as she guide us in our car..

"Imagine, both of our wife being pregnant now?"

"This one is hell of a friendship goal." she added chuckling at her own antics.

"Yeah tell us guys, did you two planned about this, a long time ago?" Jennie asked suspiciously with her eyes squinting at us.

"What? Hell no!" Jisoo and I reacted in unison.

"Of course not. Why would we plan on getting you both pregnant on the same year and have our kids both grow up together?"

"I mean, have you imagine a little Lisa and Jisoo growing up together?"

"That would be an utter mess, you know." I uttered trying to sound so casual but my stupid naughty smile was betraying me which Jen-Jen responded with an exasperated sigh and an eyeroll.

"Stupid Tops."

"I bet these two had put on a bet before on who's wife would get pregnant first." We heard Jen murmured silently at the back seat with Chaeyoung who was quite amused at our exchange of conversations.

"So Unnie. How's it like having a pregnant wife?" I whispered at Jisoo the moment I sat on the front seat with her. Jisoo will be the one to drive us home to Seongnam while the two pregnant women were sitting comfortably at the back seat having a deep conversation about pregnancy stuffs.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora