A year into the unknown

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September 2021

"Second life."
"Second chance."
"Be grateful"

Chaeng smiles weakly while saying these to herself. It has been her daily mantra before going to work ever since she accepted this job for over a year now.
It's 7:45 in the morning and she's parked in front of the huge building where she is currently working in as a College Doctor in a prestigious University in Seongnam.

"Time really goes so fast." she uttered faintly as she heave a deep sigh. 

She misses her old life in Seoul. Her job at the Asan Medical Center Heart Institute. How everything was going great with her life until the pandemic came and changed all of that.

 Everything happened in such a whirlwind.

The last thing she know is, she resigned from her job, her family settled here in Seongnam and she accepted the job as a school doctor here at Gachon University.

She can still remember the time she went there with her Mom. Her family knows the Chairman of the University since her dad was a major shareholder, so getting a job here was just a piece of cake.

She didn't even need to apply for it.

The Chairman was even happy to offer her an office as the Chief of Cardiology in Gachon University Medical Clinic.
Yes, the university houses it's own hospital since it also offers College of Medical Science. She was even offered to be the Dean of the said department, not because her family is a major share holder of the University but because of her credentials.

She's not the type of person to boast, but she was quite a big shot in Seoul, being the youngest Cardiologist in South Korea at the age of 26.
It might sound impossible, but Chaeng started studying at a very young age.

They said that she was too advanced for her age.

While everyone was starting their university at the age of 17, Chaeng already finished College at that age 18. 

Yeah she's that smart.

She even started Med school at the age of 18.
She never took a gap year, never failed a single subject, finished Med school at the age of 22, took the Korean Medical Liscensing Examination just once and aced it, took the residency right after then pursued and finished her fellowship at the age of 26.

That's how precise and well planned her life used to be.

The Chairman was eager to offer her with the position saying that she can be a great asset to the university, given the credentials that she has but her Mom was adamant. The least that she wanted for her daughter is any of that as her job. That's the main reason why they moved out from Seoul and settled here. She was even firm that Chaeng should not return to  work as a doctor but with numerous talks and bargaining, the two were able to come into an agreement.

So, being the over-protective mother that she is, her mom demanded the Chairman that Chaeng should only be designated in just a small clinic. The chairman was not happy about it ofcourse, but still obliged and placed her as a School Physician in the College of Business and Economics since that department houses its own medical clinic.

"Just in case your Mom changes her mind, the position will always be opened for you." The Chairman whispered at her the moment her Mom stepped outside his office.

"Such a waste of potential. You deserve better opportunities, dear."

"I have read all of your published research studies and I can only imagine the things you could do with that expertise of yours." He added as he shakek his head in utter regret.

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