Best Gift

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"I'm here now Hun.."

"Happy Birthday...." I greeted and smiled weakly at the sky with a balloon and a piece of cake in my hand.

"Just as I promised, I will always come back here on your birthday." I whispered almost inaudibly as I sit at the swing chair sofa that used to be our favorite place. It's been two years since that last birthday that we celebrated together. I looked around and smiled bitterly.

The place that used to be our happiest place, is now deserted and neglected. It's beauty and warmth had long gone.

And being here again gives me poignant feelings.

For the home that I used to have, had died along with Errin the day she left me forever.

Everything changed after that.

But the amount of pain in my heart still remains the same.

"Tell me. how could I ever move on from that Hun?" I asked her staring at the cloudless sky.
It was almost sunset and the shades of clear blue and white are finally giving its way to the shades of pale yellows and pinks.

I was never fond of sunsets.

The transition of colors in the sky from bright to dim would always give me sad and poignant feelings.

It's a statement that nothing lasts forever.

That even the sun, the brightest of all, has its time to say goodbye too.

I was never good with changes and goodbyes.

And sometimes, it would take me a lifetime to be able to accept that.

I heaved a deep sigh and yelled as loud as I can at the sky, hoping that somehow up there, she would be able to hear me.

"Errin-Yah! Can you hear me?!"

"I am better now than the person that I was a year ago!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Are you proud of the person I had become?"

"Do Angels get sad too? Cause there was never a day that I didn't miss you!."

"I wish heaven has visiting hours so I could come up there and talk to you." I yelled crying. God knows how much I missed her. And it hurts cause no matter how hard I cry, he would never give me a chance to see even just a glimpse of her.

There are so many things I wanted to tell her.

There are so many things that I regret.

And I don't know if I will be able to accept and forgive the world knowing that I got robbed of my remaining time with her.

Errin was supposed to live her remaing years with me.

Life made us believe that she still has a fighting chance to live longer. But then the pandemic took that chance away from me.

"I'm sorry Errin..."

"Will you be able to forgive me if I tell you that I love someone else now?" I whispered through sobs. It was hard to speak but I willed myself to spit it off  my chest.

I needed to tell her things that she deserves to know.

"Will you let me go?"

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя