Birthday Wish

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I woke up slowly, as rays of golden lights streamed through our window, gently assaulting my eyelids. The curtains bleed a semi golden glow to the room which indicates a bright new day awaiting.

Still dazed from my sleep, my body intuitively reach for her side, as it achingly craves for her warmth.

I always wake up every morning with Lisa clinging to me with such intensity that my body was so used to her warmth. But when I reached for her side this morning, I was startled by the coldness of the empty bed and realized that she's already gone and I was alone.

I slowly and lazily opened my eyes, searching for her in our room but she's nowhere to be found.

"Love?" I called her with my hoarse voice.

"Lisa-yah? Where are you Babe?" I called again but still there was no response. I was about to throw a fit of tantrums when my eyes suddenly caught a bouquet of white roses at the bedside table with a written note sticked to it. My anxieties instantly melted into sweet smile as I held and admired the flowers. Aside from sunflowers, white roses are my favorites.

I smiled sweetly, knowing that Lisa really did know me like the back of her hand.

I carefully took the note and read it.


Just in case you wake up without me by your side, hope this will pacify your tantrums. 😘✌🏻

Please meet me at the kitchen. I'm preparing your breakfast.

If you're reading this now then that only means that I failed to surprise you with breakfast in bed. 😭

I'm sorry Love. I'll be better next time.


Lovingly yours,
Lisa the hottest.

I chuckled reading the last words visualizing my girlfriend with that proud smirk on her face as she write her name on the note.

Jeez, everyone already knew that she's the hottest and there's no arguing with that.

But damn she really did take pride in using that name.

I decided to head towards the bathroom and did my morning routine first before joining her for breakfast.

"Liiiisaaaaa!" I called loudly at her on my way down the stairs. I can already smell the overwhelming scent of burnt toast even from afar.

"In the Kitchen Love!" I heard Lisa responded sweetly.

"Goodmorning beautiful." Lisa greeted beaming at me as she hand me a plate of a perfectly cooked french toast drizzled in maple syrup. On the side of it was a heaping amount of bacon and a bowl of fresh-cut fruits which she paired with a freshly squeezed orange juice.

"I wanted to prepare something extavagant for your breakfast in bed but everything turned out to be a disaster."

"I'm sorry Chaeng-Ah. This is all I can cook for now." she explained sheepishly, avoiding my gaze.

"Happy Birthday Love." She greeted grinning from ear to ear.

I stared at her and the food, suppressing myself not to tear up. She might think that I might not have notice or  be aware about it, but I did notice the burns on her right wrist and left hand that she tries to cover. The overwhelming amount of burnt toasts that she hid on the side of counter top.

Chaelisa/Jensoo- Love UnexpectedlyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin