* There's something wrong *

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" There was really something wrong which he couldn't understand.. "

Jimin's P.O.V

         I want to tell mummy about Jungkookie. She will surely be so happy right? I asked about love to her, she answered. But mummy you asked about if I love someone.. I couldn't tell you then but now I will.. I'll tell you about Jungkookie...

Uffff I'm feeling so nervous... What if mummy doesn't like... No no.. She always wanted me to fall in love. After all it's my angel mummy..

I dialled her number.....

She never takes so much time to pick up?... What happened? The call was about to disconnect when she picked up... Uff she might be busy.

" Hello mummy! ",

" Hello my angel! ",

She chirped with the same happiness but something felt off...

" Mummy.. Are you okay? ",

" Yes why? Why will I not be okay Jiminie? "

" nothing.... But tell me the truth mummy... Are you okay? ",
I couldn't help but get worried.

No she'll never tell me if she's not okay so I decided something. Next month I'll visit Busan and take mummy with me here. She'll live with me here, I'll request aunty and Yeonjun too...

" I'm completely fine baby... Tell me about you.. Did you have your lunch? "

" I did mummy! ",

"" My baby sounds so happy today hmm...... Something happened... I smell my baby is hiding something isn't he? "

Awe oh my god! Why does she have to know everything. How does she even do that!    

" mummy ......I want to tell you something... "

" Yes baby? So...? My baby want to tell me something? Or something about someone... Hmm?

I can clearly imagine she's smiling and the chuckling sounds are the proof of it.

" Ohh mummy... How do you know everything.... "

" I'm your mother Jiminie... Now tell me who stole my boy's heart...!? "

She asked and I feel like my heart is drumming inside my rib cage.

" Mummy.... I...I love someone... ",

" awee my baby.. My little Jiminie is in love! What else can I ask for!?? What's her name baby? ",

Oh no... She thinks.. She thinks it's a She.... What if she doesn't accept.. Oh god please no no... I love my Jungkookie so much..

" Mummy... It's not a she... ",
I said...

" OMG!  It's a boy? aweee why do you sound scared baby? There's nothing wrong. Love is love and I expected it Jiminie! Now tell me is he tall? Or short? Is he older than you? Does he takes care of you? Is he younger? "

Her voice sounded so excited as I just wanted to hug her and kiss her forehead. My mummy is such an angel.. Oh god keep my mother fine always...

" yes mummy he's taller than me..and he's older.. He's 23.. He is kinda strict but cares about me..but again doesn't accept that he's caring.. And I know he loves me mummy.... "
I said.

" Awhh baby... Omg I still can't believe you are finally telling me about your love... I waited from when you were in highschool hahaha and now my boy finally fell in love... Ahhh I'm so so happy.. But be sure baby if he's a good person, I trust you so much and you're too precious to get hurt honey.... ",

Black Rose // JIKOOK // ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant