*Coming Back*

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" He thought that he left home but..
...... he actually came back ."

Third Persons P.O.V

" Did you packed all the things perfectly Jiminie? Or I have to check it again? ",,Chun-Hei asked Jimin.

" yes mummy, I packed everything, you don't have to worry much! ",Jimin answered, he was currently checking the schedule for tomorrow's interview.
It was the night before he will go to Seoul. He was so much busy and his mother was busy too.

" Are you sure baby, may I check it again? ",,Chun-hei asked again getting worried that may be Jimin will forget some important things.

" Yes yes I'm sure, everything is fine ",,Jimin responded still looking at his laptop.

" oh okay then and please come here and finish your dinner ,I have  to talk about something with you after dinner ",,Chun-hei said.

" What is it mummy? Everything okay? ",,Jimin asked turning his gaze from the laptop to his mother.

"yeah yeah everything is fine, I just wanted to give you some advice and instructions, that's all ",,Chun-Hei said smiling assuringly.

" okay mummy. "

They finished their dinner and cleaned the kitchen together. Jimin was very much excited about everything is going to start from tomorrow. He already contacted with an owner of a little apartment and he's going to meet the owner tomorrow after his interview. Everything was really going perfectly .Past this week his mother, aunt Areum and Yeonjun helped him with everything.

Jimin's P.O.V

     If I say I'm excited then it will be an understatement. Past this week I just practiced dance and tried to be skilled. Mummy, Aunty and Yeojun said I'm already an amazing dancer but I know they are overestimating it, they love me very much,,, I have to practice more. Tomorrow is the day I'll leave for Seoul. My train is in tomorrow morning at 6:00Am . Yeah I have to take the early train cause my interview starts from 10:00Am .

   I'm currently sitting on the sofa cause mummy said she has to talk about something with me. I noticed mummy is very tensed this day's, she always starts thinking about something all of a sudden.. Areum aunty said that mummy is just stressed about the fact that I am going to live in Seoul alone.

" Jiminie? "

" Yes mummy? ",I responded as she sat beside me in the sofa.

" Are you mentally prepared for living alone there? ",,she asked looking at me.

" I guess yes mummy "

" Don't guess it baby answer it perfectly!! ",mummy asked getting serious about it.

" Yes mummy I'm ready for it.. ",,I responded confidently this time.

" That's my boy!! Always be confident about yourself, believe yourself! ",she said placing her hand on my shoulder. I smiled.

" Always be careful there Jiminie, it's a big city with various types of people. Everyone will have their inner intentions. Don't talk to anyone if it's not necessary. Don't roam around the city in night. If anything happens or you don't feel right just call mummy once, mummy will be there.,, ok?

" Yes Yes mummy, I know it all, you told me this things for million times .It engraved in my mind and I think I'll remember all those things after my death too!! ",,I said chuckling. But her face suddenly turned very serious .

" JIMIN!!!,, how many times I have to tell you to not say something like this??? ",,she asked angrily.

" Sorry sorry!! ",I apologised still smiling at her. She turned her face in another direction trying to not look at me.
I placed my palms at the side of her face and turned it back to me.

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