* Affections *

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“ The Angel loved the Devil without caring about getting loved back
But what if...
One day he feels like he's getting it back ? ”

" Take him to the basement rooms. He'll live there ! " The mafia boss ordered with smirk while looking at the ten years old Jungkook who was thinking hard about something.

" I've Something to say. " Jungkook said out loud making the mafia man raise his eyebrows.

" And what is it ? " They asked.

" I've my brother back home. I'll do anything y'all want, I want my brother to get proper shelter,foods and education. " Jungkook said with a stern voice. He knew he has to speak up cause no one, not a single person will show him pity and humanity for free.

" And why will we do that boy ? " The mafia boss asked .

" Cause it's the condition. " Jungkook kept his voice straight and held the fiery eye contact which shocked everyone. How can a ten years old just talk like that ? And infront of the people who can kill him in a blink ? But secretly the Mafia boss liked it. He knew the kid infront of him is not normal. Destiny will make him a walking Devil.

" You know I can just kill you. You're nothing but a mere pest to me. " The mafia boss provoked but to their surprise Jungkook answered so calmly.

" You waste millions to buy pests ? Then the pest might be special. " Jungkook said making all of them gawk at him.

" Well, bring your brother. I'll see how long it takes you to kill your brother when you see him getting all the luxury and comfort when you'll not get to eat anything or have to sleep in
basement. " The mafia man screamed in anger but once again Jungkook had exactly zero amount of expression on his face.

" Deal. " That's the only thing Jungkook said before turning his back to them .

His heart stopped thinking from that very day. How will he even respect himself after seeing himself getting sold ? Someone can just buy him,call him worthless... was there anything left in him ? For him ? He just said he'll do anything they says and he has to do it. For his promise, for his revenge, for the sake of his best friend who has left everything for him. But was he alive after today ? Physically yes but Mentally ? he was dead.

Humanity ? Did anyone showed it to him ? Then why will he show it !? He'll show it that what is the real ' Fear of death. '

Jimin looked ethereal while sleeping. Too beautiful to look away from. His slightly opened mouth, swollen red rose petal like lips, long lashes resting over his cheeks . Everything was just so wonderful about him . Again it was past midnight and someone could not look away from Jimin.

Jungkook's steadfast stare was on Jimin's face looked unbreakable. The younger was sleeping and Jungkook was just staring at him. All his mind could think about is Why Jimin is so different? Why does he shows him all the care? Why does he looks like he'll hide Jungkook in his angel wings when needed ? Why was Jungkook in the need of running to only Jimin and just Jimin ? Why can't he stay away from Jimin anymore ? Why was Jimin suddenly becoming his way of being alive ?

" You are very beautiful. " Jungkook unknowingly mumbled while his fingertips softly tresssed over Jimin's cheeks. " In every way. "



Morning started with a bliss for Jimin. Cause he woke up in Jungkook's arms . The memories of yesterday made Jimin instantly happy. The happiness made him avoid all the pains he felt in his body, the sudden sick feeling and the never ending slight headache.

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