* Just a little bad feeling *

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" You're scared of the Bad feeling
the bad feeling is scaring you..? "

Third person's P.O.V

            Jimin woke up at 7:00 and realised how it wasn't a dream.... Jungkook really was there holding him in his arms and sleeping peacefully. Jimin always loved the sight.

He couldn't bring himself to get off of the bed and wake Jungkook up when the older looked like he was sleeping after an eternity.

So Jimin didn't know when he fell asleep again while watching Jungkook sleep.

It was 9:00 am when Jungkook woke up with Jimin sleeping in his arms.....he couldn't help but feel like its a good start . He carefully got off of the bed tucking Jimin on the bed again... Cause he didn't want to wake the younger up. He freshened up, got ready and was about to leave the room....when a sleepy cute little voice spoke up.

" Good morning.... ",
Jimin's voice was so cute and the sleepy tone made it more cute.

Jungkook never greets back ,nope. Never. But just like everything... It was changing too. He couldn't avoid it anymore and turned around.... And the sight of a sleepy Jimin with messy hair falling here and there almost melted him. He couldn't help but stare at the younger's pink pouty lips.

" So you finally woke up I see. Go fresh up. Have your break fast. See you soon . ",
Jungkook said with a odd voice but Jimin smiled. He knew how awkward Jungkook can be at times.

" wa-wait! ",
Jimin stuttered with a sleepy but nervous voice. Again he was happy too that the older came to him.

" What? ",
Jungkook asked with a cold voice, not trying to meet Jimin's eyes for some unknown reason.

" Please have the break fast here...",
Jimin said with a very timid voice not trying to sound like he was demanding.

" You mean here.. Huhh? ",
Jungkook's dark husky voice sounded a little odd and Jimin looked up at Jungkook only to meet with a mischievous smirk of the older, who was looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

Jimin looked at Jungkook with a confused look till he understood what the older meant. Jimin's cheeks flared up in a scarlet shade and he immediately looked away.

" I di-didn't mean it li-like that... ",
Jimin felt too shy to talk as he saw the older's feet coming near the bed and his heart beat fastened.

Jimin gulped down as Jungkook crouched down and put his hands beside Jimin's both side caging him.

Jimin hesitantly looked up at Jungkook to meet the older dark chocolate orbs which was hypnotising for him. He immediately remembered their first encounter but could only concentrate on the older's eyes which was piercing his soul.

Jimin couldn't comprehend in words that how much beautiful Jungkook looked up close, almost like a painting. A painting of a crowned prince of another dynasty .

While Jungkook was having trouble to understand if Jimin is even real or not. Ethereal will be understatement to compare Jimin's beauty with. The flawless porcelain skinned doll face of the younger felt to unreal to Jungkook.

Suddenly the dream of last night flashed in Jungkook's mind and Jimin could see the sudden change in Jungkook's expressions. He never saw this emotion in the older's eyes... It felt vulnerable, unlike Jungkook.

Jungkook couldn't hold his emotions and his imagination of Jimin's beautiful face covering with blood...

Jimin got worried for Jungkook but before he could ask something or touch Jungkook's face the older himself cupped Jimin's cheeks. His large hands held Jimin's sculpted soft face perfectly and Jimin melted in the touch. He couldn't tell what Jungkook was thinking about but he knew the thought was making his lover worried.

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