* Angel's Lover *

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“ The Angel can always run miles to make his Devil lover smile. ”

Third Person's POV

For the entire class, Taemin couldn't look at Jimin anymore. Now he was scared. What does Jimin want from them ? What will he ask his sister ? And to be honest now he regretted lashing out on Jimin like that. As much as he should have remembered that Jimin never behaved wrongly with him , you'll never want to be in Jimin's bad list.

It was true, after that competition day Taemin's sister told him to stay away from Jimin. She didn't like the hazard of powerful people. They has faced a lot in the past . Taemin still remembered how much his sister tried to protest against the fire accident in the Jeon mansion. She knew a lot about that family and the mansion, according to her it's not possible for the mansion to burn down like that. Moreover she loved that little boy very much, like her own son. As much as Taemin recalls the boy, he was a very kind hearted boy. The best kid Taemin has ever seen.

But they got badly hurt by the Parks. They were almost killed for raising  voice against the power . And that's why they had to run away from Seoul, leaving everything and Taemin's studies stopped.

Years passes, people heals but the scar remains the same in the bottom of the heart. After coming back to Seoul few years back , Taemin started his dance studies again when their situation got better. He got protective over his sister as he grew up and who doesn't know about The Death after coming to Seoul ? Jeon Jungkook, a name that was enough for people to get scared...Taemin never wanted to cross path with that person nor he thought that he ever will. But see the situation now.

After the class Taemin wanted to return home. He didn't want to join practice anymore but Jimin was the one who stopped him saying “ Don't ruin your practice for me. I'll leave if that's the problem . ”

Taemin couldn't understand Jimin at all. He's so hard to understand some times. Taemin knew Jimin wasn't a person who'll fall for looks and money ...then why was he with the Jeon Jungkook !? That Devil has no heart or anything ! Everyone knew how Jeon Jungkook is ! He is destruction and death. He'll just ruin Jimin before ending him completely. And out of all people Jimin chose that person.

On the other hand , Jimin wasn't okay inside. The realisation of how much hate everyone has for his lover made him sick. He knew why Taemin reacted, the reason is his lover . But does Jimin care ? No. He didn't start loving Jungkook for anyone's opinion. He loved Jungkook after knowing that the older wants to kill him and how bad he is. Jimin still loved him like stupid after everything and now when he knows his Jungkook a little too well... reality hits more hard. Cause now he knew the real Jeon Jungkook is far different from the JJK everyone knows.

Jimin went to washroom after few hours of practice. Cause he felt suffocated. Every minute he can only remember about Jungkook. Well that's the thing that kept his mind away from the pain he felt on his limbs. Everyone praised him for his dance as always but he himself knew that he lacked in his moves. He couldn't focus properly and felt sick.

After splashing water on his face, Jimin stood there for few moments trying to calm himself. His mind went back to his dearest person and immediately he smiled. The thoughts made him immediately happy that he'll get to meet Jungkook after few hours again. Cause he certainly has a meeting with him about an important file. Jimin was determined that he'll clear the misunderstandings between Taehyung and Jungkook. After all they were Best friends. There was a lot to work about in their friendship and Jimin was willing to do it quickly.

But before that he wanted to do something. If it's possible then he'll do it then head to the company cause he has a shoot. He also missed Taehyung and other hyungs very much. He called his mother while coming to University and he was truly happy about it.

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