* Difference *

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The difference behind Devil's Angel and others ?
...The Devil isn't the Devil in his angel’s eyes. ”

Third Person's POV

Kai was feeling so tensed when Jimin left the apartment with a distressed face yet smiled. Jimin didn't say anything for the entire drive except

" Can you please drive ? ... I've a slight headache. "

Kai couldn't understand which picture Jimin was staring for the entire drive and it made him utterly paranoid. Also Jimin didn't look well ,his headache was surely hurting him too much that he had to clutch his eyes shut time to time. Kai asked and Jimin just shook his head as it was nothing.

By the time they reached Taehyung's office , it was already evening .

" Thank you for helping me this much hyung. I'll buy you icecream for sure."
Jimin said with a smile before continuing " and please this time don't stop me from calling you hyung okay ? Its comfortable for me. I can't call you by your name. " Jimin said with a smile and left the car.


" Jiminie !!! " Taehyung came rushing and engulfed Jimin in a bear hug as Jimin entered the company. Both of them hugged each other while giggling within caring about the people around them googling at them.

Hoseok joined the hug and both of the boyfriends pressed a sweet kiss on top of Jimin head together like the younger was their child who came back from school.

" Who's the fashion designer ? " Jimin asked.

" Kim Lara. She wanted to work with you. " Hoseok said as Jimin drank the orange juice.

" Oho ? Isn't she very very famous !?"
Jimin asked with a surprised face and Taehyung looked up from a file he was checking.

" Doesn't matter. She was trying to work with you for past few months. To be honest I didn't want you to work with her. " Taehyung said confusing Jimin.

" Why ? " Jimin asked calmly knowing there might be some valid reasons behind his best friend's words.

" She's a bit off and I don't like her at all. If you feel uncomfortable around her or with her words, just straight up cancel the shoot. " Taehyung said and Jimin was about to reply when Taehyung got a call. He looked at Jimin and the younger nodded, indicating that the older Should pick his call.

Now when Hoseok and Jimin were the only one in the room, the younger looked at the older.

" Hyung ?"

" Yes Chim Chim? "

" What's up with the not liking thing about the designer...? I think there's something... ? " Jimin asked timidly and Hoseok sighed before answering.

" You know who Kim Seo-yeon was right ? " Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded.

" Tae's mother...and a World famous fashion designer. " Jimin answered with a timid voice as he knew how much Taehyung hates his parents.

" Kim Lara was her student and then became her personal assistant designer . She was her best friend too." Hoseok said and Jimin nodded with a shocked face. He didn't know about this and somehow it raised his anxiety to see this Kim Lara in person.

Jimin knew Taehyung was terribly tortured by his parents when he overheard their conversation and threatened them that he'll tell the police. He still remembered how Taehyung cried that day when he was telling Jimin all this.

« Flashback »

A nine years old Taehyung was crying mess as he got to know about his best friend along with his family's tragic death. He couldn't believe it nor he could stay sane when he watched the burnt mansion and two already burnt deadbodies on news channel. He had screamed in utter fear.

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