* Unexpected Character *

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“ Sometimes there are few characters in our story... whom we don't even know that was there..”

Third Person's POV

" Th-the drug was too high for his sensitive fragile body...."

Taehyung froze with those words.

" Wh-what d-do you mea-mean....? ",
Taehyung stuttered with tears beaming down from his eyes. His heart will immediately stop beating if something wrong comes out of the doctor's mouth.

Hoseok held Taehyung's arm along with Namjoon who rested his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

" It was high drug and the amount of the drug he has in his body...was actually life threatening...if..if you all were late by just few minutes.. I wouldn't have been able to inject the anti drug... it's a fortune that his body responded..",
The doctor said and Taehyung breathed again with his palms shaking.

" He's okay right? When will he wake up? Will he be completely okay when he wakes up? He will be, right? ",
Taehyung asked desparately.

" For now.. yes..and it might take him few more hours to wake up.. I gave him anti drugs and other needed things..but- ",
Taehyung didn't let the doctor complete as he remembered something.

" But his nosebleed!? He was bleeding before...why is that!? It never happens for drugs! ",
Taehyung asked worriedly.

" That's what I was about to say.. I expect it is actually for the drugs, cause the amount was too much.. but as in his condition..his pressure is low and he isn't taking proper rest or care..stress can be the reason too. Was he having head ache before? ",
The doctor asked.

" Yes! He was having head ache before! ",
Namjoon answered worriedly.

" Oh hmm.. heavy head aches cause nosebleeds too. I can't say anything now by just checking him normally. I need to run some tests but I can suggest that he needs proper rest and care. Stress can cause serious problems... keep him happy...and please... I request.. don't drug him anymore... next time he might.. might not wake up.....",
The doctor said sadly and Taehyung gulped feeling numb.

" I'm taking his blood samples with me and he might need regular check up. It'll be good if we run MRI scan as soon as possible. ",
The doctor said and they nodded still crying.

" I-is it v-very serious ? ",
Hoseok asked choking on his sobs.

" I really can't say anything now without the test results but his body is currently very sensitive for some reason. And that's actually a bad thing, you all need to be careful with him. Stop him from over working himself. I know he's Model and a dancer but still he needs to eat more.
It's better if he takes a break from doing anything. ",
The doctor said.

" He will wake up in 4 or 5 hours..it might take 6 hours as well. And when he wakes up, inform me. I'll send his food list. Make him eat something normal and without any spice..he might have a little fever but it won't stay long. Don't stress him and make him sleep again. ",

Whatever the doctor said those lost broken mafias nodded like a lost puppy only wanting their little prince to wake up.

They just wanted their Jimin to get well soon and protect him.

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