★ The Promise for Forever ★

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Important Note : so far I have had the company of a good amount of amazing readers who's been there from a long time and the lovely ones who joined in the way yet encouraged me to great levels. This story always has been and will be a part of my heart. I've said countless times that it's like my child. Most of my readers has always appreciated how I drove the story and wrote the emotional encounters. I've never felt more elated than whenever I saw a comment popping out saying how much they loves the story.

And my readers, you all have also noticed how I always had my ways of writing something. It might be a little slow, emotionally stretched but as the author, I felt the urgent need to do it.

I really don't wanna say much but as an author who loves her readers a damn lot, I gotta let y'all know that I really don't like being told how to ‘ Write ’ and navigate ‘my’ story. If I decide it to be an emotional back-up chapter, or conversation chapter or anything... it's my decision. It really doesn't feel good to hear ‘ You show write this next ’, ‘ you shouldn't write like that and do this’ ...it really doesn't make me feel happy.

I think my readers has loved my writing style and that made me feel at ease to the core. But sometimes some people doesn't know if they should be even saying what they said. It disturbs me...but hurts me more.

Hope y'all understood my point. Regardless you all feel like my family now and this author is a family person hehe

Btw, Happy Reading ❤️



“ The promise wasn't to live forever, the promise was to forever live and love each other while alive.”

Third Person's POV

It was 1:45 of night and Taehyung was looking for Jimin like a crazy till now. They all splitted apart to find Jimin in Gwangju, Daegu and Incheon where Jimin could have went and also in Busan city.

But the later was no where. It seemed like he vanished in a thin air and it was scary how all of them knew that how much power and information Jimin used to have . He knew various secret way outs, hiding places, secluded places and everything because Jungkook himself had told him all those things before.

Jimin was a sharp person and when he himself was trying not to get found, it was impossible to find him like Jungkook said.

The night wasn't ending , it felt like a cosmic curse . Everyone was in pain and Taehyung was becoming numb by time. He loved Jimin so much and always wanted him to heal but now...he only could feel the guilt for never understanding Jungkook.

Taehyung was realising why Jungkook was so against Jimin remembering everything. He was tasting the extremities of  fear and devastation now... what Jimin could do when he remembered everything.

Taehyung's brain was replaying Jungkook's endless, determined and devoted tries of all these months to make Jimin love himself to the most. His every words to make Jimin understand how special of a person he has always been, how he loved his mother so much and how he was always the fallen angel he is.

Now Taehyung understood what Jungkook dreaded. He never thought that what could happen if Jimin remembered his own identity.

“ H-He didn't return to Busan...” someone said in the earpiece, probably it was a defeated Kai who sounded so broken . Taehyung knew exactly how much the man adored Jimin , all of them did . All these years , Taehyung never saw Kai being so considerate till Jimin came in the picture.

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