* Nothing breaks like a heart *

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“ You can see a glass break into uncountable pieces but never see the way a heart breaks , shattering the soul along with it . ”

Third Person's POV

Taehyung moved away Hoseok's hand while looking away. Both their eyes were red and swollen.

" Tae... please have something ! You'll become more sick if you don't " Jin said looking at Hoseok defeated sad face. Taehyung ended up with a burning fever after all the crying from past few days.

" I want to... I want to be sick. Can't it just be me who has to die !? Why him !? Why my Jimin ? " Taehyung's voice was broken.

" Nothing would happen to him ! Nothing ! Why can't you understand?"
Hoseok said with pretending anger cause he was trying to hold himself strong.

" I'm so useless...so so useless... I could never save them. Jimin... Jungkook... I could never. " Taehyung sadly chuckled .

" The love... the love that I saw in Jungkook's eyes... I knew it was true ... So true that it can change the entire him ...he calls Jimin his reason of life you know? " Taehyung said shocking them more.

It was already heart breaking for them and they just got to know that Jungkook was going to confess.

" He calls Jimin is everything. Told me that he doesn't want to live without Jimin. " Taehyung's sad defeated chuckle followed by his tears.

" He's going to confess tonight...on his birthday... " Taehyung said , his heart churning out in pain and sadness as Hoseok hugged him.

" Let him..." Hoseok said kissing Taehyung's temple to soothe his broken lover.

" Yeah...let him .  I will. Only to tell him a news just few hours after ... That his Jimin...his Jimin- " Taehyung couldn't complete his words .


Jimin once again tried to call Aureum's number but again it said switched off. He felt so helpless. Yeonjun, Aureum, his mother...no one was picking up his calls....no one could tell him where they went .

Jimin couldn't help but cry out once again. His sobs were silent cause he knew once he talks or screams ..his headache will hit him harder than ever and may be he'll not be able to reach his Jungkookie anymore.

Jimin couldn't even sit properly as he laid on the cold floor feeling quite lifeless. His coughs were turning constant .

" Wh-where are you mu-mummy... " Jimin's words were just above whispering as he feeling his breaths shortening for some reason.

He was feeling immense pain in every cells of his body but he didn't care. All he could think about is... the guilt. His mother was sick and he believed in those lies... He was the reason behind his mother's tears and sickness. Wasn't he ?

Jimin's eyesight was completely blur as he took sharp breathes, staring at the ceiling. He hated how he wanted to kill himself right now... his mother was sick because him , right ?

Jimin's breathes were turning sharper. His lips were turning pale as he tried to breathe .

" Wh-why didn't you- you tell me... " Jimin's broken tear stricken eyes stared at his and his mother's smiling picture on the wall which was now blurred behind the curtain of dust.

He coughed . His breathes were shortening.

" I... I will ... I Will find you... " Jimin said trying to sit up while groaning in pain. His mind was chanting only one name right now... Jungkook, Jungkook and only Jungkook. His Jungkookie, who can save him...who can help him .

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