★ Lovers ★

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Love is not just promising to be together, it's all about proving the promise...

Third Person's POV

His eyes squinted and his orbs moved as he was waking up slowly. As his eyes opened, for few moments he could see nothing in the darkness but slowly but soon his drowsy red eyes adjusted with the low lights of the room as the room was not completely dark. Faint Sunlight was peeping through the little space between the closed black curtains.

It was a matter of few brief seconds before his as usual immediate heightened senses hit him back and he tried to sit up straight and he did, avoiding the sudden pain in his body because of fever. His hair was falling over his eyes and he realised he was in different clothes and it didn't take him too long to understand that his recent scars were tended too.

" J-Jimin " That's the only word that came out of his mouth and his voice was painfully hoarse . His throat hurt and he immediately realised that it was hurting to even utter anything.

But all he could think about was the person who's name he just uttered like a mantra.

" Jimin ? Jimin where are you ? Jimin ? " Jungkook called , his voice turning desperate in seconds as he threw away the velvety blanket before getting out of the bed . He felt shiver down his spine as his naked feet touched the cold floor but who was he to care about himself when all he wanted was to take care of Jimin ?

" Baby wh-where agh Doll ? Jiminah baby where are you ? " Jungkook called again and again walking towards the middle of the room with his voice more desperate and his body muscles tensing up with utter fear and heart break.

Where was the younger ? Jungkook could only remember hugging Jimin tighter than ever and then everything went blank for him. Was it all a dream ? He didn't reach Jimin...?

" No no no Jimin no it can't NO ! " Jungkook almost screamed in the end and right then his fever hit him back , his head ache shot up and he would have fell down if a familiar figure didn't rush towards him and caught him in his arms.

" I'm here ! I'm right here Jungkookie !" Jimin said desperately, fear laced in his voice as he didn't expect the older to react like this for not seeing him upon waking up.

Well, it's not like Jimin did not expect this at all...he did. The way the older had numerous panic attacks throughout the entire night while suffering through high fever , kept mumbling his name and many incoherent words, pleads, apologies and everything... Jimin only could muffle his own sobs, holding Jungkook close to him.

How could Jimin even think about worrying and running away from this man ? His Jeon Jungkook ? Who has loved him so madly ? So selflessly ? Returning his feelings to an extent that Jimin could never imagine ?

Last night was devastating for Jimin. Memories after memories were crashing down on him and every part of him had marked their scar on his mind but Jimin chose to stay strong and hold the older in his arms... that he didn't do last time.

He couldn't let his lover's years of devotion go in vain... countless therapies , the older's relentless efforts of making him love himself, telling all the truths differently yet they were truth except few ones, few ones that related Jungkook's real self.

Yes Jimin remembered who he was... Park Jimin. Park. The single thought yearned out pain from Jimin's body but some words overpowered those dark thoughts.

" You're Park Chun-hei's son . She was your mother, she was an angel, just like you. You never needed a father cause she was enough. It's your biggest identity that you're her son. She was an amazing human being and you should only be proud that you're her perfect son. Everyone deserves a mother like her Baby...and she only deserved an angel like you. You were her gift of life. You were her everything. She wanted you happy always...safe and sound. Even if she's not here anymore ... physically, she lives within you. She sees through you, loves through you, breathes through you ... embrace her with love Baby. Live your life for her... "

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